my first grade son was the same way last year, and it was so hard cause for me it was almost cute, he'd raise his hand and interupt the lesson to ask the teacher if he could throw something away or to tell her trash was on the floor or something else just as inappropriate but at the same time helpful. he got more yellow days tahn green but all in all did really well. i guess you need to really look at what she is doing and why, and how bad is yellow? here it's green, yellow, orange, red, so yellow makes me wonder but i don't complain to much since green is a perfect day and how many of us really have those. so put it into perspective a little and talk to her and see why she is being disruptive, is she falling behind because she's in gifted classes, is she still bored, ect. chances are she'll settle back down. and your punishements are wonderful, i like sentances. lol.