J., Get an attorney!! NOW!! I worked for an atty that took payments there are some out there. An atty could work up a defense and maybe have your sister tested for things like post traumatic stress. A lot of times you can get hte state to pay for that. As for social surcurity my brother in law has my nephew 28 days out of thirty and because his mother has full costudy he can not get a dime. You probably need that gaurdianship to get that money. You need to do tons and tons fo research on things like how a child can be affected by the loss of a mother and living with an alcholic father. And bring the research to court. If at all possible get it followed up by a doc or councelor. Make sure you bring up the documented acholism of the father. And document every phone call every visit or non visit. LIKe if he was suppose to see her and did not show. Or maybe he wont fight for her till he finds out the social surcurity will go too. Write and date everything. also the court can apoint a gaurdian-at-litem which would be her atty not yours not the fathers. The GAL would repersent the needs of the child you can get that court appointed too. Good luck! What a big thing taking her on. Hang in there. M.