Hey there-
You have gotten some great responses already but I wanted to share my story with you...as a fellow Fibro sufferer.
I was diagnosed with this 15 years ago...back when Docs thought it was all in your head. Because of it's reputation, I tried desperately to put it out of my head and just tried to manage. I did this successfully until I had my children. I was 18 when I was diagnosed and so it was easier to manage before all of the hormone changes and when I was younger. Slowly but surely, it started to take over my life. After my 2nd child (in Feb 2007), I had just about had enough. I had *no* energy and was miserable with pain. My back hurt so bad that everything exhausted me...even brushing my hair.
After a long road with other issues, I finally talked with my Doctor about it (a fairly new Doctor) and he prescribed what I call nothing short of a miracle drug. He started me on Lyrica and within 2 days I felt like a new woman. It took a couple more days before I really started to count on it but holy cow. I am a new Mom, a new wife and a new person. I cannot stress to you enough how much better I feel and how much my life has changed.
Please feel free to contact me at anytime if you want to talk or want more information. I know what you are feeling and what you are going through. You have gotten through the worst of it. You have a diagnosis. Now it's just time to focus on finding out what is going to get you your life back.
Hope this helps.