Your poor baby... and you. As moms we want to take it all away. The fever is not the issue unless it is accompanied by limp behavior or true signs of discomfort or illness. My feeling is that a fever is natures way of fighting illness and if a child is acting fair without meds then the fever is doing the job and the low level of activity due to the fever is the body telling the little person what it needs to help fight and ultimately heal. Talk to you doctor always before starting new meds (even over the counter) and my feeling has always been my childs behavior first then the treatment. This is just my way and the way I have been told by my pediatrician...so you should talk to yours.
Oh and most importantly...when a fever is present always make sure your baby can put his/her chin to his/her chest. I usually put a toy by her their belly button while in a sitting position to check for this.