Fetal Movement...

Updated on November 17, 2007
T.S. asks from Macedonia, OH
13 answers

Ok...I'm a nervous wreck. I am 20 weeks pregnant, just found out it's a boy. The doc says I should be feeling plenty of fetal movement, during the ultrasound the little guy was jumping around/running around/doing flips in there, but I don't really feel it. Every once in a while I feel something, but not all the time...I'm scared something is wrong.....
Should I be feeling movement more than I am?? In the past I've felt it, but I don't really remember at what point. I'd have to pull out baby books....
Help! I'm really nervous!! I've had a couple miscarriages, and also lost one when I was 8 months pregnant....so my nervousness is definitely justified!!

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answers from Cleveland on

I remember that my baby was a late mover. I can't recall exactly, but I think it wasn't until 22 weeks that I started feeling regular movement. Try drinking some sugary juice like capri sun to get him moving...that's what my doc gave me everytime I had to go in for monitoring tests. Congrats and good luck!

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answers from Cleveland on

Hi. I don't know if this will help or if this is what you're looking for in an answer. If I couldn't remember if my son moved or not, I would eat something with sugar which ususally caused movement. I was told by my midwife that a lot times the baby would move when I was sleeping. When you move when you're not sleeping, it's like the swing, it will cradle him. I would call your OB or midwife..whichever you have to see if they can do an ultrasound.



answers from Lexington on

If you are really scared, go see your doctor. But I wasn't sure of what I was feeling until about 24 weeks. I thought he was moving but, then, I thought it was gas. My son is 4 months old and he was like an olympic swimmer during every ultrasound except the first 4D we had. That hd to be rescheduled because he refused to budge.

But seriously, go to your doctor...that is what he/she gets paid for. Just tell them you aren't feeling any movement or aren't sure if you are...they can hlp you feel better.



answers from Columbus on

Your only 20 weeks I wouldn't worry to much about it. You should start feeling it more often in about 3-4 more weeks. At this point the baby still has plenty of room to move around in there. The bigger he gets the more you will fill him move.



answers from Cleveland on

the same thing happened to me my little man was moving around like crazy on the ultrsound but i didn't really feel it(around 20 weeks). i wouldn't really worry about it to much if your doctor doesn't seemed to concerned. i didn't really feel much movement until 24 or 25 weeks and by 28 weeks my stomach looked like popcorn was popping in there. good luck and i hope i was a little helpful!!!



answers from Cleveland on

Hi T.,

First of all Congratulations on your pregnancy. Next, if you are worried about not feeling babies movements you could consider getting a Stethescope ot fetiscope so you can listen to babies heartbeat whenever you get concerned. That way you'll know your son is okay even if you can't feel him moving. Last, try to take some time right now just for yourself. Try to relax and just enjoy being pregnant. Stress isn't good for you or your little one. Good luck.




answers from Cleveland on

well...if you saw your boy moving around and everything looked good at your ultra sound, then I would try not to worry...make sure you lay down for 1hr. every day and feel for movement and if you have ANY doubts, then please let your doctor know...bless your heart, you've been through alot!

...I"m sure everything is fine, try to relax, really.



answers from Canton on

No need to worry at all! Esp if its your first pregnancy... I don't think I felt my first kicks till 26-27 weeks... I was soooo worried! But I have birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy... who is now a rambuntious 3 year old!!!!



answers from Columbus on

Hi T.,
Every pregnancy is a little different. I remember feeling anxiety with my second pregnancy because the baby didn't seem to move as much as my first. One day I would feel almost no movement and then the next I would feel more. I think moms forget from pregnancy to pregnancy how much movement they felt at what point. The baby is still so small at 20 weeks, you may not feel the movement so much. Sometimes babies are lulled to sleep by moms movement during the day and are more active at night while mom is asleep.
After previous miscarriages, it is totally understandable that you would feel concerned. Even with the pregnancy going great and everything looking good on ultrasound, it easy for those fears to creep in. My suggestion would be for you to spend time connecting with your baby when you are concerned about movement. You can acknowledge your concerns to yourself but then focus on talking to your baby. You can also rub your belly and "play" with your baby. Research shows that babies who are stimulated by touch in the womb, have higher IQ's.
You are brave to acknowledge you fears and talk through them with others!



answers from Lexington on

When I was pregnant, the only thing I felt was flutters till i was about 6 months. From then on the flutters progressed to thumps and then to full on kicks and punches. As long as the doctor said everything looked fine on the ultrasound, I wouldn't worry too much.



answers from Cleveland on

Hi T..

I'm not pregnant now, but I have a very good friend that is. She is about 22-23 weeks and she really doesn't feel alot of fetal movement either. Her placenta is actually in the way. Her doc also told her that every pregnancy is different and some you wont feel until as late as 28 weeks. If you are overly concerned, no harm in calling your doc.

I hope you have a relaxing pregnancy as added stress isn't good for you or your beautiful boy! I know it's easier said than done though. I lost a baby mid pregnancy and I know all too well those moments of extreme worry. You just need constant reassurance that everything is okay!

Goodluck and relax! Pretty soon he'll probably be using you as a punching bag!




answers from Cincinnati on

i just looked back in my childs baby book and i did not feel him until 22 weeks. i have two kids. and my second one moved constantly but my first one never did. i always worried. but with your past history i would be concerned to. call your dr and let them do a heart monitor. just for peace of mind that is what i did. i felt on clould nine every time i heard his hert beat.
M. s



answers from Cleveland on

I didn't feel movement at 20 weeks either, although it showed on the ultrasound the baby flip-flopping. I didn't start feeling movement until at least 25 weeks or so...and it was usually at night. Of course as time went on the movement became more distinct and easy to detect. Good-luck and don't worry. Pregnancy is an exciting time that may only happen a couple of times in your life, enjoy!

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