Nothing you described feels like pregnancy to me, but I will say honestly that, with our second one, I really knew I was pregnant. I don't know how - I can't pinpoint it. But I knew. So if you really think so, maybe you are!
Well, this would be our second child and we were trying to conceive. We've been trying for a few months with no success. This time the day after we hit our fertility day I felt DIFFERENT. I was very sore at first and then as implantation time grew closer I had all this pulling and soreness over my middle and around where my ovaries should be. Now my first time getting pregnant I was clueless for awhile, but this time I know what it feels like to be pregnant and this FEELS like a pregnancy. My breasts are not sore, but they're bigger and I can see the veins more clearly. Also, sex feels different now. Lots of twitching and throbbing across my stomach. Feels like I've been doing sit-ups, but I haven't.
Any idea if this could be pregnancy? Since I've only been pregnant once I have no idea what to expect in a second one. Please give me some insight. I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
I had dirty brown spotting yesterday, which would have been a day before my period was scheduled to arrive, but nothing today. I'm assuming that means I am not pregnant.
Nothing you described feels like pregnancy to me, but I will say honestly that, with our second one, I really knew I was pregnant. I don't know how - I can't pinpoint it. But I knew. So if you really think so, maybe you are!
I found that when I was actually TTC I could feel or felt like I was pregnant more and more during that 2 WW. Sadly I was on a support board for it and I wasn't the only one. We all wanted it so bad we would feel like we were every 2ww.
I just had my third and tried for him for 6 months and had one miscarriage in that period as well. I noticed the first thing I could really notice before I missed my period was GAS and bloating. OMG the gas. Alot of people concurd. LOL! So if you are tooting away that is a great sign. If not wait till around 10 DPO and test. Both times I tested then and got my light positives and a positive no matter how light is a positive!
Good luck and baby dust to you
Do you remember what your early signs were, I knew this third time that I was pregnant at 3 weeks because of my sore wrists, My wrists with all three of my pregnancies would get unbearably shore within a day or two after implantation. We were not actively trying for our third and i could still tell. Now that is the only sign for me that is a surefire "im pregnant" sign. Other then spotting a week and a half or so before period which I also noticed but didn't really think anything about it.
With my second child I knew I was pregnant right away. I fealt the implantation and everything. We too were trying so I knew to have sex when I felt like was ovulating, and ever since that day my body felt different. I bet you are pregnant...sometimes we just know!! Congrats!
All pregnancy are different, the reason why I say that is because I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 7months along because I had no sign like most women do when they are pregnant, so I went to the doctors becuase I fell got huet and hurt really bad and when I went in to the doctors they told me I was pregnant. So my suggestion is go to the doctors to be on the safe side.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I had a very beautifull little girl and she is very healthy and is 7 months old.