It sounds a lot like your daughter's behavior is stressing you, and your lack of energy and short temper are stressing her, which could definitely make her behavior worse, and even make her too anxious to sleep well.
This would take some real attention on your part, but assess whether the attention you give your daughter these days is largely because she's acting out or begging for more attention. If that's the case, she will be more "difficult" because at 14 months, she absolutely needs loads of attention from you. You are her rock, her foundation, and if you seem randomly unavailable or emotionally volatile, she will be more anxious and need you even more.
So, a few times a day, make time to simply lavish affection `on her, without her having to "work you" for it. Have happy giggles together. It will flood both your brains with "happy" chemicals and make both of your lives easier, even if you have to let some other things go. Neither of you will remember dust bunnies in the corner a year from now, or even your spilled coffee, if you have lots of good emotional bonding.
When she's whining and clinging and you can't possibly make more time for her, try the technique used by Dr. Harvey Karp; The Happiest Toddler on the Block. . He will demonstrate in this (and several related video clips) exactly how he "speaks" the toddler's language, gets on their wavelength, so they know he's on their team. This makes them willing to be on his team.