1. Call your credit card companies and explain your situation to them along with the fact that you are considering filing bankrupcy. They may be willing to work with you. You must be diligent and persistent until you get a definitive yes or no. This may require more than one phone call but is worth the effort.
2. Call in reinforcements for the housework. You may consider getting one of your relatives to do just a few things around the house or enlist friends or hire a local teenager. I have a neice that has a gift of cleaning. So for about $20-$30 a month you can have your deeper cleaning done or bulky heavy cleaning done or any combination there of to make your life easier. Generally I hire out those things I don't want to do like windows, dusting, and laundry.
3. When you cook, try cooking 3-4 meals at a time. This is what I call marathon cooking but you can freeze meals and heat them up at a later time. This will save you both time and money if done right. Also get a crock pot and let things cook long and slow.
4. If you don't ask for help, you won't get the help you obviously need.
Lastly, don't worry about being able to buy a home when the time comes. Credit repair isn't hard it just required consistency over time. In a year you can do things that will strengthen and build your credit up from the basement. Buying a house is a wonderful thing but you will need money saved because cash is still king.
As for the guilt over working part-time, don't feel guilty. Perhaps there are somethings you can do to earn some extra money. My husband sells things on Ebay. He has a knack for finding popular items for a low cost and sell them and make a profit. Or if you love to bake, cookies of love are great or pies or candies. Special occasion cakes are great if you are a baker. My cousin bakes loaves of bread and sells them. She also makes biscuits too. The holidays are a hot time for her.
Another friend of mine loves children and babysits during off hours for people. On average she has anywhere from 5 to 7 children that she watches overnight for working nurses and the like. It is great because the kids get to her house, eat, take a bath, get some story time and then go to bed. They are sleep most of the time she is getting paid to watch them.
You could also choose to go back to work full time but I wouldn't do that until I have exhausted every other option first. I hope this helps.
Please don't panic.