She is perfectly normal! Breastfed babies are to be fed on-demand 24/7 for the first year of life. Sounds like she is a power nurser. My second never stayed on the breast for long at that age (5-7 minutes total) but she was gaining and satisfied between nursings so I knew she was getting enough. You have know way of knowing how much she is getting so you can't think she's not eating much at a time. If she is gaining appropriately and is lasting the 2.5-3 hours she is right in the norm zone. 2.5-3 hours is perfectly normal.
And get ready for her to start wanting to nurse more often for a few days. She's in the zone to hit that 6 month growth spurt and she will nurse like crazy for a few days to increase your supply then it will go back to her normal routine.
And remember-solids are for practice. They do not and should not ever replace nursing. Always nurse first then offer solids about an hour + later.