1) always nurse BEFORE solids. If not, baby will be too full to nurse after, and they will wean from breast. This is also per our Pediatrician.
2) Still, nurse on-demand. Not on a schedule. Your breasts, will then STILL produce enough milk, per the child.
3) for the 1st year of life, breastfmilk/Formula, is still a baby's PRIMARY source of nutrition... NOT solids and not other liquids.
4) at this age, for the 1st year, 'solids' is only an 'introduction' to eating. NOT a baby's main intake. Solids, is not even nutritionally dense, as breastmilk. And, a baby at this age, does not have to eat solids, 3 times a day like an adult would.
Nursing, should still be the primary focus.
5) Nurse directly from breast, when you can. This is more efficient, than a pump. And your breasts will produce milk, according to your baby's intake levels.
6) a baby when older, becomes more 'efficient' at nursing, thus, sometimes their nursing sessions are shorter, because they are intaking more quicker.
7) A pump, does not suck out as much milk, as a baby would when nursing directly from breast.
When my kids were on solids, at that age, I gave them solids once a day. I nursed, on-demand, all day, other than that. My kids, still nursed every 3 hours or so, and more at growth-spurts. I did not nurse them according to a 'schedule.' I did it on-demand. Per my kids needs. I still had a lot of milk.
Again, nurse him directly from breast, when you can. A pump is not as efficient.
3 ounces, while you are at work, from a bottle, during the day, is not enough. If that is his only bottle.
6 months, is a growth-spurt period in a baby. Thus, nursing frequency and amounts, naturally increases.