Febrile Seizures - Glendale, AZ

Updated on March 15, 2008
H.N. asks from Glendale, AZ
10 answers

My son just turned 1 a week ago. Yesterday he had a febrile seizure. For the past few days he has had a little bit of a stuff nose so I have been giving him a little benedryl which the peds dr told me was ok. He has not had a fever I just thought that he was having trouble with his allergies. I laid his down for his mid morning nap yesterday and he had been asleep for about 1 hour. He had started to make noises like he was waking up and quited back down right away so I thought that he went back to sleep. A few moments later I heard what I thought was grunting (doing his business). After a little bit of that I peaked into his room to see if he was about done and I noticed that he was moving but not normal. I went into his room and he was pale white and had vomit all over him. He was gasping for air. I picked him up and ran down the hall screaming to my husband to call 911. He was not responding to anything his jaw was locked. What seemed like forever the fire depatment was here within 3 minutes. He was still unresponsive. They did manage to get his airway cleared. They transported him to the hospital by the time we got there he had a fever of 103.5 but he had stopped twitching and his eyes were open. Even when I spoke to him he would not turn his head or respond to me. It took about 1 hour before he would respond to me. He is ok now kinda like nothing ever happened.

Does anyone have any advise for me or been in the same situation? This had to be the scariest moment of my life. Now I am affraid to sleep for fear that it will happen again.

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So What Happened?

Well my son is doing much better. I am still concerned that what happened to him may have been the effects of the shots he had gotten a week prior. But the doctor keeps telling me that this is impossible. He said that the the stuff printed by the CDC is 20 years old and needs to be rewritten. Aside from that he is much better and back to himself and I am getting some sleep now.

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answers from Phoenix on

My last boss had a son who would get them. He eventually outgrew them, so at least they stop. The only thing she could do was keep a close eye on him for signs of a fever and give him fever ruducers (tylenol, ibuprofen). Don't try to cool him off quickly in a cool bath or under a fan, it can set them off.

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answers from Phoenix on

Hello H.,

Happy Belated Birthday to your son. May I ask
what vaccines were given before the seizure?

Many years ago friends of ours became proud young parents
to a beautiful healthy baby girl.
She was 4-6 months old or about this age and MMR
vaccine was given. Their baby had serious side effects.
So serious that she is now blind and dumb. Requiring
special equipment and full time care.

This scared me so bad that my children did not get
their vaccines until they were 4 years old and required to
have them for school.

I am going to tell you that you are the trustee of your son.
His protector and you are to listen to your instincts.

Shame Shame Shame on that doctor for telling you the
side effects are out dated and need to be re written.
Finding a female pediatric doctor would be at the top of my list and here is why. They are more intuitive and a female P.A. also since normally they are the person seen.

Much love and complimenting you on your parental instincts.




answers from Phoenix on

Hi H.,

I went through with this with my son. When he was 19 mo old he had his first febrile seizure and I about died, scared the life out of me. We called 911 and went to the hospital and everything, too. I did a ton of research on this and it is the fact that the babes can not handle drastic temperature changes with in their bodies. So they have a seizure, my sons temp went from 99 to 104 in the matter of 10 secs. IT was crazy. Then it happened again when I was at the store one day. Fortunately I knew what to do this time, I stripped him naked called 911 and rubed cold water in his arm pits and his crotch area. What really upset me was the paramedics gave him valium to calm him down and didn't let him come out of the seizure by himself. So we didn't know how long it lasted. Our dr. then sent us to Phx Childrens for neurologically tests which came out normal. Then It happened one more time in his car seat while I was driving. We didn't go to the hospital that time we just went straight to the dr. They said that he would grow out of it by the time he his 4 or 5. He is now 3 and so far so good. But let me tell you when ever he has a fever I am on top of that with motrin and tylenol until that fever is completely gone. The dr. did ask me if I wanted to put him on meds for this and I chose not to. The seizures do not hurt him in any way they just scare the pants off of the parents. We decided that the side effects of the medication were worse than us sucking it up and dealing with a seizure.

Good Luck to you and your little one will grow out of it. It's just something as a parent we have to go through.




answers from Phoenix on

Dear H.,

I have never been through that, but I have two kids myself and it is so terrifing. I just wanted to wish you the best and your in my prayers.




answers from Phoenix on

Hi H.-

Being a new Mom with a premature baby I can relate to non-breathing scary moments. But that tops my list. You brought tears to my eyes because I don't know what I would do either. I would STILL be FREAKING out that's all I know. Anyway, I'm sorry I don't have any good advice, but I just wanted to say...YOU GO GIRL!!! I am proud of you for getting through that and being such a great Mom. That was a rough experience. Hang in there, and thanks for bringing up the topic so I can learn from your experience. Good Luck with everything. Keep giving your son lots of hugs and kisses!! :-)




answers from Phoenix on

We've been through that same thing and the ladies are right -you totally did the right thing.
I know you were scared to death.
Our son had one in January with a fever from Rotavirus and one in March with his first ear infection. They were horrible and terrifying.
The first one, we took him to the hospital - the dehydration was pretty bad... he stayed overnight... once they let him have breastmilk again (which should have been MUCH sooner), he was fine within an hour.
From then on, we gave tylenol and motrin together.
We were told it was ok to take his temp under his arm - not true - rectally is the only correct reading. We measured 102 under his arm and had given tylenol when the second seizure hit in March.
Since then, we take temperatures anytime he feels even the least bit warm. We give tylenol AND motrin anytime his temp is 101.6 or higher. You just have to watch that you don't give it more than is tolerated by their bodies within 24 hours.
TALK TO YOUR PEDIATRICIAN about how much to give and when. Let him/her know how scared you are and how much you can give and how often.

After our little boy had his seizure, he slept in our bed for the next few months - still does when he has a fever. I just sleep better - and so does my husband - when we know we can just reach over and touch him anytime we think about the fever/seizures. He knows it's not an everynight thing - and even if it is - it won't be forever.

Don't worry.
Know you did the right thing and are a good mom who's doing the best thing for her baby.
You'll be in our thoughts and prayers :).



answers from Phoenix on

My son had one this year back in Feb.... he just turned 3 this month..... he was premature but never been sick, no earaches nothing .... then one day he had a fever and could not get rid of it... my husband took him to the dr & he had a seizure while at the office... his fever when they got there was 104 !! it took him like a week to get the temp to stay down but we have been lucky ever since and have been healthy!! good luck !!



answers from Phoenix on

Seizures of any kinds are scary to witness especially when you have no idea what they are. My oldest has febrile seizures and the first time she had hers it was in the middle of the night and I was so scared. I brought her to the ER and her temp was 104.2. She recovered and got over the sickness that brought it on but has since had another one. According to all the doctors we have spoken with the febrile seizures come when there is a dramatic change in the bodies temp. (mostly an elevated temp but it could happen if the body drops in temp as well) The body seizes to push the heat away from the important organs. We were also told that once a child has a febrile seizure they are 50% more likely to have more until the age of five. Well now every time her temp is above 100.5 we Motrin and Tylenol her up (as per doctor) and keep it going till her temp is down again. They are frightening but be reassured that it is the body doing what it needs to get everything under control. Just sit with him comfort him make sure he can breath then after it passes cuddle and praise God that he is still okay. When he does come back around give kisses and hugs and he will want to go play. Always watch for whatever sickness brought it on and take him to the doctor if need be and the ER if it will help you feel better. If you would like to talk more I am always here just email me
Hang in there :)



answers from Phoenix on

ijust sawe your mail. vaccines could definalty had soemthing to do with your son's reaction. Vaccines are in issue and i advise you and evry other mother out there to do your research and read BOTH SIDES Of the issues. THere is enough evidence out there to make anyone stop and think. I did not vaccinate my second child and my older one is no lonager being vaccinated. YOu ahve to inform yourslef and make you own choice.

I was also a pediatric er nurse for 14 years and febrile seiazures were common. just trying the future to be on top of any fevers and medicate them before they get really high. Some kids just have a lower threshold than others. he will grow out of it, but during these years of viruses, just staying on top of it will help. seizures are scary. very scary. good luck



answers from Phoenix on

You did the right thing by calling 911 immediatly. Febrile seizures occur when the body temperature changes too rapidly or goes to high. When anyone has a seizure call 911 and turn them on their side(this helps keep their airway clear if they vomit) and move any objects away from them that they might injury themselves on. Children can absord our body heat, so if they are sick and sittng on our your lap they will absorb more heat. If they have a fever dress them in light, lose fitting clothing. If you are holding them try putting a pillow between you, but hold them as little as possible until their fever comes down. If their fever is getting up their you can put them in a warm bath, it should be atleast 99 degrees. Remember, they can also have a seizure if their temperature falls too quickly. It takes a while for fevers to come down in the water, you need to keep them water temp around 99, so check it often and never leave the child unattended.
I have worked in the medical field for over 20 years and I think you did all the right things. There is no way to predict a seizure and sometimes little you can do to prevent it. You should give yourself a big hug because you did a great job!

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