Faqs (In Your House)

Updated on October 27, 2011
T.N. asks from Saratoga Springs, NY
30 answers

I remember a time when the most frequently asked question was, 'May I have some juice, please?' Well it started as, 'Mapple doose, peeez'.

Then we moved on to 'Why do I hafta wear this to church? God doesn't CARE what we look like'.

Now, with three teenagers (well, 2 and 1/2, with one away at college), it's more like 'HAS ANYONE SEEN MY PHONE?!" Or, 'MOM?! ARE MY BLACK SKINNY JEANS IN THE DRYER?!' (always muffled from behind a closed bedroom door upstairs, or even in a text)

Most interesting one lately...The oldest posted on my FB wall....'What is my routing number? Checkbook on my dresser.' Sigh.

So what are the current most FAQs in your house?

Have a great day Ladies!


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answers from Los Angeles on

My son is always "Im STAAAAAAARVING" even after he just ate. Drives me batty!

My oldest DD - "Me too" after everthing her brother says

The baby - "WAAAAAAA" B/c she has been sick for 7 days now and she is covered in a horrible rash

Husband "I have to do everything in this house" REALLY!!! I don't think so.

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answers from Jacksonville on

"Can I have a snack?" This one has been heard multiple times a day since she was a year old (she's 4).

"Will you help me?" Another favorite.

"When is Dad coming home from work?" Asked everyday at the same time.

"Can I watch a toon?" She is a tv junkie so this one is probably the most frequently used. It also gets answered with no most often.

Cute post!

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answers from Indianapolis on

My daugther is 4. The question she asks every night is "do I have to eat all of my food to get a snack". My response yes. If she had her way she would eat the snack and forget the food. Another question as soon as we walk in the house in the evening. "Mommy what am I wearing tomorrow". So we have to find what she is wearing to school tomorrow. I tell her all the time that she'd better be glad I love her.

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answers from Richmond on


WHAT KIND OF FOOD?... the good kind

WHERE'S MY SHOES/KEYS/BELT... don't know, don't use them.

CAN I HAVE A SNACK... no, you just ate dinner, let your belly settle!

CAN WE GO OUT FOR DINNER?... no, why would you ask that?! there's 5 minutes left until dinner's ready!

CAN WE WATCH T.V.?... no, do your homework


WHERE'S THE PENCIL SHARPENER?!... on the counter, same place as always

ARE MY WORK PANTS CLEAN?... no, they never made it to the hamper


IS THIS OKAY TO EAT?... it wouldn't be in the fridge if it wasn't

I should post these in our living room, LOL!! So when they ask, I'll redirect them to check out the FAQs before contact mommy support... maybe I'll write up some tutorials and manuals for the children as well ;)

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answers from Detroit on

DD is 4:

Can I have more juice please?
Can I have something to eat?
Can I have more something to eat?
Can I watch TV?
Can I play on the computer?
Can I play Angry Birds on your phone?
Can I play outside?
What's today?
What are we going to do today?
Do I have school today?
When will it my birthday again?
When will we go to Disney again?
When can we go to the zoo again?
When can we go to the waterpark again?
When can we have a play date with ____?
When is it going to be Halloween?
When is it going to be Christmas?
Can I feed the fish now?
Where is my ____?
Can I have a baby brother or baby sister?

Anything starting with "Why?" Including, why did Gramma die and have to go to heaven?

And then my absolute favorite: "What happens when you get to 3?"

There have been times I have resorted to telling her no more questions for now!

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answers from Seattle on

My ears bleed when I hear my older two (that are potty trained) yelling ''I AM DOOOOOOOONNNNNE!'', At the top of their lungs, because they need me to come wipe their rears....Before they go in I always get the iconic..''Mom, when I am done Pooping, will you come wipe my butt''. I have told them...they do not need to ask. They can just go...and I will come wipe when they yell. Even with that being said...I still get the I am done scream.

My middle guy always tells me what Batman would or would not do. This was our conversation on tuesday.....

Mom: Hey Gieger do you want to put a coat on, it is kinda cold out here??

Gieger: No. Batman is NEVER cold.

Mom: Good enough answer for me, I am going inside. It is freezing.

I have gotten Batman does not wear big shirts. Batman will only eat Waffles and Peanut butter. And Batman ONLY likes Chocolate milk poured on his rice Crispy Cereal.

My oldest thinks he is a Vampire right now. I honestly just can not wait for Halloween to be here and leave.

Maybe then my Super hero, blood suckers will move on...and Santa and my little helpers can finish off the year;p

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answers from Washington DC on

Q: Okay - we are ready to walk out the door - can we play the XBOX or the computer? A: Let me smell your breath! :) Okay. You have X minutes.

Q: Where are my shoes? A: Where did you take them off? This is why we do a bag drag folks - you know where it all is!!! If you put it someplace else...not my bad!!!

Q: Where is the XBOX controller? A: Don't know. If it was on the floor, it might be on my ebay table.

Q: What happened to my homework that I did last night? A: it was supposed to be in your backpack....

Hope you have a great day!

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answers from Kalamazoo on

Can I have a piece of gum?
Can I have a popsicle?
Can I have a turn on the computer?
Can I play the Wii?
Can I go outside?
Can I have a snack?
Have you seen my belt? hat? phone? keys? wallet? shoes? etc, etc, etc

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answers from Washington DC on

For some reason my children (5 and 3) feel the need to get permission to go to the bathroom, but don't phrase it as a questions. I hear a million times a day, "Mom I have to go potty." Then they dance around in front of me. JUST GO ON YOUR OWN! They know where the bathroom(s) are, why do they feel the need to announce it??!!

Another annoying question: Can I play with your phone?

They also repeat things over and over like a broken fricken record until someone acknowledges the question or give an appropriate response.

And the singing! Why must DD (5) sing about EVERYTHING????


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answers from Spokane on

Mom, Mom, Mama, Mommy, Mommmmmy, where arrrrrrrrrre you???

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answers from Dallas on

from my daughter who is 2 1/2 years old this morning
where's Daddy? working
why? because he has to work
wheres the sun? outside at the sky
why? because the sun supposed to be at the sky
where's sergio ( twin brother)? at the kitchen
why? because he is hungry
whats that? your breakfast
why? because i jut made it for you
why? because your hungry
where's dora? at your bed
why? because i just put her there
what are you doing? talking to you
why? because you ask lots of questions
why? i don;'t know
i'm hungy
i want ice cream :)

where's my pants? at the closet
where are the keys? i don;t know
where are my shoes?at the door
is my breakfast ready? yes
where's the shaving gel? supposed to be at the bathroom

kid before school

do i need to take a shower this early? yes because you did not showered yesterday at night
wheres my backpack? at your room
where's my glasses? at your room
do we have to go to school this early? yes at 7:45
why we need to go to school? i want to go to college
can i have waffle for breakfast? yes
ca i have money for school? no

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answers from Roanoke on

Cute question! In our house, it's:

1) Meeeoooowwww?? (I believe it's Cat-inese for "can you fill up my food dish??)
2) Are my favorite pants clean??
3) Where is my _____?? (insert almost ANYTHING here)
4) Can you please fart in another room???

I imagine the list will grow steadily...:)

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answers from Lakeland on

My favorite is "I can't find it". When they just stand still and don't move anything. I had to laugh about the texting thing. In our old house my stepson’s room was in the basement. He would ignore his dad and me when we called or sent a text. Then we realized that if we wanted to talk to him we would just unplug the internet. He would come right up.

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answers from Cleveland on


My kids are only 3 and 1. So I get the most from my 3y/o or my b/f.

Q: "mommy, can I have a graham cracker?" (I hear that ALOT)
Q: "mommy, mommy, mommy?"
A: "Yes?"

my b/f
Q: "where did I leave ____!?!?"
A: "same place you always leave stuff"

Q: "Can I steal the Tv to watch Baseball?"
A: "in 2 mins"
He responds "World series....."
So i give in. Although I do like baseball

My 1/yo squeaks questions at me. She tilts her head, points at something and does this squeak that always has an upward inflection.

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answers from Detroit on

We've transitioned from WHY to WHAT IF.

*sigh* it never ends.

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answers from St. Louis on

The younger two it is still the random lost items. Really the one away at college calling me asking for help finding her car keys was pretty damn funny considering she is six hours away. :p

My oldest pretty much calls to see if he can store one more piece of junk at my house that his room mates don't find nearly as useful as he did. :(

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answers from Providence on

Cute question Theresa! Right now, it's " Mom, where are my shoes?" ; and " Honey where are my keys..belt..phone..wallet..etc. " Repeat daily.
<sigh> . I am sure it will progress each year.

Have a great day! :)

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answers from Boca Raton on

"How long should I put this in for?" (microwave question).

"What's for dinner?" (lunch too). That one drives me crazy sometimes.

"When are we getting U-Verse? Gosh our router stinks!"

"Is the dryer on the left or right?" (I'm not kidding - one of my kids asked me this!)


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answers from Philadelphia on

My questions from my daughter recently

1. Can I have a snack/Juice (repeated until I want to jump out a window=) )
2. Mommy why is the ambulance going by or why did that power fail in that building (any unknown thing) I respond with Emmy I'm really not sure, and She says rather annoyed, well thats no better than M., how about giving M. some things that you think could've happened!!! Then I reply, and she then answers, No Mommy thats silly it probably was......

ughhh the circles we go in=) wouldn't change it for the world...well maybe I'd cut downt the repetitive demands for snacks=)

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answers from New York on

What's for dinner? ( I have four hungry growing boys! )

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answers from Washington DC on

Mine make statements
There's no food.
I can't find my shoes.
Dont' know where my coat is.
"M" took my towel, swim suit, goggles.

My answer are the questions
"Seriously?? Did you LOOK for them/it?"
"Really? Eat a yogurt."
"Am I the maid?"
"Did you look in the car?" and
"Where did you have them last?"

One question that is really getting old..... Can I just read to the end of this page? 5 pages later...................

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answers from Washington DC on

What's for dinner? (sometimes a message sent from the college kid who is debating on swinging by)
Can you contact dad to move money into my account? (guess who, usually when he feels financially pressed and DH is not anywhere he can answer or do the transfer, like *I* have magic powers or something)
Where are my .....? (everybody)
What's his/her name? (my 3 yr old wants to know everybody's name...the dog on the street, the person in the grocery store...sometimes I make them up)
What's he/she doing? (same small child)
When are you going to the grocery store? (kids)

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answers from Iowa City on



Are you picking me up or is dad?

May I have a snack, please?

Can I have a drink, please?

Can I watch something on Netflix?

Can I play computer games?

Right, Mama, right?



Pup, pup?

I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old....if you couldn't tell based on the questions.

Will you take the dogs out, please? (me)

Where's my ___________? (husband)

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answers from Jacksonville on

My daughter is three. Her questions are usually:

Can I have some more Apple Juice Please?
Where's (insert persons name here) at? Apparently I am a human GPS tracker.
Can I talk to Paw Paw on the computer? (we live far away and Skype)

Mostly I get statements though

let's play outside
Feed the ducks!
Go for a walk now.

P P P P Potty. I don't know why she feels the need to stutter that one word, but it's really funny when you add the pee pee dance to it.

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answers from Houston on

Oh my, we have a four year old that is the question king!! Let's see if I can remember some:
Daddy, how do the clouds become rain????(this has been fascinating him lately)
Is the new baby coming today??(this is asked on a daily basis ;)
What is inside of bread??(asked at the table last night)
Why do I have to eat??(daily)
Can I have _________?? (just fill that in with virtually anything?)
Can we go to the park??(daily)
Are the leaves going to start falling soon??
Is Grandma coming today??

On and on it goes. Last night at dinner I actually made him take four bites between questions ;) That was the only way to get the child to eat!! I guess it's great though bc he has such an inquisitive little mind, it definitely keeps me and his dad on our toes!

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answers from Kansas City on

Our house here lately is like this...

I don't know... has moved in. Not me, as well.

It's not mine. (in re: to cleaning or putting things away)
I can't find...I can't do...
I can't find my jammies(seriously they can be find in the drawer).

All of the sudden my three year old is unable to dress himself. WHAT? Really we went from "I DO IT MYSELF"...to "do it for me...mommy, I lud you!"

Can I play monkey lunchbox or angry birds on your phone?

Number one is "what's for dinner?" This is asked by everyone daily even myself!

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answers from Seattle on

9yo son

What are we doing today?
May I call _______?
The store?!?! (with horror filled eyes)
I know. Right? (I blame brit tv)
Do we HAVE to?
Hey Mom! Is life uncertain? (catch phrase for eating dessert first)
Is dad going to be there?
Why can't you just divorce dad? (groan)
Why does dad _________?
Really? Can't we _______?
Can we walk down to the park?
What IF ___________________________________________________

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answers from Jacksonville on

Husband: Have you seen my phone (wallet, keys, hat, running shoes)?
Children: Can I download this app?
All: What's for dinner?

oh... and I almost forgot:
Kids after dinner: What's for dessert?

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answers from San Francisco on

You're funny!

Sounds like my house. :)

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answers from Pittsfield on

My daughter is 3 and is always asking "What you doo-nin'?" (doing). She asks everyone- everywhere. At the market, she asks the cashier, the person sweeping the floor, and even another customer. Whatever the person's response is, her follow-up question is always "why?!"

I think I'm going to feel just a little sad inside when she stops saying "doo-nin'" lol I don't think I'll miss all the whys though- it gets tiring explaining every little thing all day, especially since she even whys my explanation :/

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