We use Google Calendar too. If you have an iPhone, there is even an app you can both access from your phone. We also put a copy on our fridge and update it by hand as needed.
I plan the week's clothing on Sunday. We have a closet downstairs and I hang all the kids clothes in there for the week, plus I usually put one extra outfit just in case. All the kids shoes and clean socks are in this closet too. That way, they don't have to go looking all over the house to get dressed for school.
We also get backpacks and homework all put away and ready to go for the morning before dinner.
All of our meals are planned ahead, there is a list on our fridge. We have some quick meals and others that take time to cook. We also will make meals on the weekend and freeze for later use. In a crunch we have sandwiches or cereal for dinner.
After dinner, the whole family spends a few minutes picking up if the house has gotten messy. This is a big time saver, 5 - 10 minutes is normally the most we spend doing this. If leftovers are being used for lunch I get these ready after dinner too.
But, if leftovers aren't going in lunch boxes, I don't get lunch ready until the next morning. I do get up, dressed and ready about 15 minutes before anybody else is out of bed. That 15 minutes is great for making lunch and packing lunch boxes.
Most importantly, we get the kids ready for bed early so there isn't any fighting at bed time...they know the routine and if they finish quickly they can have a few minutes of free time to read or play before lights out.
We use Google Calendar too. If you have an iPhone, there is even an app you can both access from your phone. We also put a copy on our fridge and update it by hand as needed.
I plan the week's clothing on Sunday. We have a closet downstairs and I hang all the kids clothes in there for the week, plus I usually put one extra outfit just in case. All the kids shoes and clean socks are in this closet too. That way, they don't have to go looking all over the house to get dressed for school.
We also get backpacks and homework all put away and ready to go for the morning before dinner.
All of our meals are planned ahead, there is a list on our fridge. We have some quick meals and others that take time to cook. We also will make meals on the weekend and freeze for later use. In a crunch we have sandwiches or cereal for dinner.
After dinner, the whole family spends a few minutes picking up if the house has gotten messy. This is a big time saver, 5 - 10 minutes is normally the most we spend doing this. If leftovers are being used for lunch I get these ready after dinner too.
But, if leftovers aren't going in lunch boxes, I don't get lunch ready until the next morning. I do get up, dressed and ready about 15 minutes before anybody else is out of bed. That 15 minutes is great for making lunch and packing lunch boxes.
Most importantly, we get the kids ready for bed early so there isn't any fighting at bed time...they know the routine and if they finish quickly they can have a few minutes of free time to read or play before lights out.