Tell your friend to check to see if Mega Bus offers a route to MN from Detroit - they are relatively cheap. Or see if she can get someone (a good friend) to make drive with her, which would be cheaper.
Also, have your friend contact the hospital directly and ask for someone she can talk to in the support or counseling office. They may not be the right person, but they will be supportive, and can point her in the right direction. For example, through that part of the hospital staff, she may be able to get on the phone, and have a hospital volunteer put the phone by her mom so she can talk to her (if her mom is non-communitive and she is not sure what to say, have her read from the Bible or read a favorite kids story or book of poems). Ask them if they can do Skype, etc.
Also, if your friend is a member of a church or civic organization that she regularly volunteers for (Rotary Club, etc.) or her mom is, have her contact that organization and explain the issue and ask if they can help. They may not be able to give her air fare, but they may be able to send volunteers from the local chapter to go and visit her mom, which would be helpful for her mom, and might ease your friend's mind a bit.