LOVE IT! DO a search, this gets asked weekly.
I have had both Essure and Nova Sure done and I'm so glad I did both.
Have you done the Essure procedure? Pros? Cons?
LOVE IT! DO a search, this gets asked weekly.
I have had both Essure and Nova Sure done and I'm so glad I did both.
nervous to do it, but have looked into a lot.....
there is some postings on this, try to search for it on the search network within this site, it may come up with some previous discussions.
just had it done aug 2nd. you have to wait 3 mo after procedure to make sure it was successful. did not hurt at all...mild cramping after. so far so good!
I would have had it done, but it costs $5000 for those of us who are under-insured.
no cons.
Easy.. the procedure is like a long pap smear
quick recovery..like in a couple hours!
You get sedatives.. they made me loopy. That's about it!
I had it done over a year ago and I loved it. It was minimally invasive, recovery time was next to none, and it was cheaper than a traditional tubal because of surgery costs. Since then, I know of 3 other women that have had it and they all had the same results. I can't say enough good things about it. Check out www.essure.com (I think) to answer any questions you might have about it. There are videos and all sorts of FAQs on their website.
My BF had it and it has been perfect! She did some mild cramping the first day but went to eat with her hubby right afterwards. The doc did the dye test a few weeks later and it was conclusive that the tubes were blocked.