My husbands cousin was born 14 yrs after her dad had a vasectomy. And yes he did get cleared by the Doctor.
I know it happens, in fact I read somewhere that 6 in 100 fail within the first 5 years. My question is how many mommas on here have had a child from a failed vasectomy? Not one that was reversed intentionally.
My husband had a vasectomy about 3 years when our youngest was about 16 months old. He did not want anymore kids. Soon after it was done I decided that I too did not want anymore kids. My period runs like clockwork and I am now 5 days late. The only times I've ever been late have been when I've been pregnant. I've discussed this with my husband about the possibility of this and while we are definitely not prepared for this occurrence he is surprisingly okay with it. I am....learning to accept it.
I also know there are other causes of absent periods, including stress and hormonal chanages; and we both know our lives have been more stressful the last 2-3 weeks including the death of a close family member. I am holding off until Monday to take a home test - just in case. And my doctor's office is closed until Monday anyways.
Have you gotten pregnant after your SO had a vasectomy and if so how long after? Also what was your reaction and your SO's reaction?
My husbands cousin was born 14 yrs after her dad had a vasectomy. And yes he did get cleared by the Doctor.
One of my favorite stories! My good friend had a vasectomy after he and his wife had their second boy. Bam, she got pregnant and had their third boy. Immediately after birth, she had her tubes tied. Boom, pregnant a fourth time! But they welcomed a little girl into the world! They are now on record with their state's Department of Public Health for two failed procedures. Four kids later, everything seems to be sticking! Haha!
Most post-vasectomy babies are born to men who skipped the all-clear follow up appointment which is done 4-8 weeks after the procedure. Did he get the all-clear? If not, he needs to make an appointment now, even if you're having a false alarm.
Have you taken a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant?
Stress causes a lot to go wrong in your body. I would take a pregnancy test and find out.
I'm glad your husband is dealing well with this possibility.
Good luck! I'm sorry for your loss of your close family member.
My parents neighbors have a daughter who just graduated high school. She was born after a tubal and a vasectomy. It happens.
Had a friend it happen to. Had the 5th child about a year after the forth so it was pretty quick turn around. They were shocked.
It's a good thing he is such a loving child! Nobody resents him. He is a bonus.
A very good girlfriend of mine got pregnant after both a vasectomy and having her tubes tied.
Had 5 babies, all under 7 years old when my 5th was born. Husband had a vasectomy and 3 months later I was pregnant...we were devastated at the time, (not to mention exhausted!) but by the time that sweet baby girl came we were all ready. But I think if we had stopped for a few years it would have been way way harder. We were still in baby mode at the time. Best wishes!
My DH's coworker had a failed V baby....years after the surgery. Said kid is now in his 20s and she calls him her gift. So go to CVS and get a test and if you're pregnant, start preparing for the baby. If not, and if your cycle remains wonky, call your OB/GYN.
SO = significant other
My best friend has 2 neighbors that got pregnant 10 years after their husband's vasectomys. Crazy!!! Both husbands never went back for a follow up but it is still crazy that it took 10 years for their wives to end up pregnant again.
I don't know anyone personally who have had failures with the procedures that we're aware of, and neither my husband nor I have had the procedures done yet. However it's far, far more likely statistically for a tubal ligation to fail than a vasectomy. Vasectomies are much more reliable. If your husband had a vasectomy then it's very unlikely you're pregnant.
Knowing that statistic my SIL (who works in a hospital) had her doctor remove extra tubing and burn the ends for good measure when she had her gallbladder out. ;-)
I see no reason for you to wait on taking a test, though You're how many days late? just do it. Get it over with. But a cheap test.
I haven't, but my parents did. My dad had a vasectomy and then 10 years later I got a surprise little brother when I was a junior in high school. It's unusual but it happens. My parents were surprised, but seemed happy.
What does SO stand for? DH would make sense to say, but I can't figure out what SO means!
I have not, but I do have a relative who after having 7 kids, had a vasectomy done.... two years later, she got preggers and he accused her of having an affair, nearly divorced, but a doctor's visit confirmed it
"didn't take".....
Two of my moms close friends had this happen...one happened sixteen years after the procedure. They had a newborn and a senior in high school.
The other friend happened much closer to the procedure being done as her kids were my age at the time abut eight or nine years old...she ended up having triplets. Two boys and a girl. I remember my mom talking about it and not really understanding what happened until much later.
Pop over to the dollar store and pick up a test and get it out of the way. You can still call the doctor on Monday either way...but why wait if you can find out now. The suspense would be killing me!!