I love Nicole Miller's product line. It works great, is eviromentaly friendly, and is less expensive than comparable product lines. I use her make-up, nail polish, and skin care regamine.
Which ever product line you choose you should use all the reccomended steps in the process it is necessary for the best results...including the toner and moisturizer. Also if you can find a product line that is all inclusive, meaning skin care and make-up you eliminate the risk of bad reactions between opposing chemicals. This is especially important if you are going to go with a convention product that is not organic, all natural, and enviromentaly friendly.
A very common example of this is some products contain formaldahyde, if you then apply a product with a formaldahyde releaser like quanterium 14, you are then allowing the formaldahyde to enter your system through you skin. This is bad because formaldehyde increases your risk of developing cancer as well as causing extreme irratation in the upper respitory system.
Never use any thing with less than spf 15, but the more the better up to spf 60, any thing higher is not possible.
I use the cleanser in the shower and when i brush my teeth at night, I have two bottles for my conveniec, one I keep next to the toothpaste, then the toner and moisterizer is in my bedside table with my vitamins, that way I will still use them even when I don't think about it until after I'm in bed and don't wan't to get out of bed again. I also have cotton balls in the table to use for the toner, and we have a garbage can near by that I can also throw the cotton balls away from the bed.
You should keep your make up and cleansers stored where kids and dogs can't get to it, so if you choose convetional products don't keep it in your side table.
You have to order nicole miller through Melaleuca, they have a money back gaurntee on the mebership (120 days), and thier products (60 days) so if you want to try them out they are a very safe bet financialy. If you want to try let me know and I'll get you started.
L. Seben