No problem here. But I can access his account anytime, and vice versa. Because of his work schedule, it's difficult for my husband to get together with friends regularly, so FB is how he stays socially connected, which is important.
Just a quick question........ Do you Moms have a problem with your Husband having a Facebook? I didn't untill now. It's a long story to tell you all why. I was just wondering.
Thx, everyone. I just think FB takes a lot of time of some people. & that's what bothers me the most. Thx:)
No problem here. But I can access his account anytime, and vice versa. Because of his work schedule, it's difficult for my husband to get together with friends regularly, so FB is how he stays socially connected, which is important.
Nope, my hubby is on the computer a lot and I don't mind at all because I am usually on mine in the living room too.
We don't have a problem with it. All of our family is on there with us!
Pretty hard to have any shenanigans going on with his mom, my mom, our daughter, my dad, my step mom, my Grandmother all of our cousins and his boss, my business partner, old teachers, nieces and nephews on there every day.
Also we all have access to each others laptops, iphones, ipads and such and are constantly borrowing them from each other at any moment.
We would be fools to use facebook for anything regarding secrets.
No problem here. I'm guessing the Facebook account isn't really the problem it is how your husband conducts himself on it? It may be a long story but some specifics would be needed. Facebook is a tool. That would be like asking do you have a problem with your Husband having an Email account, or Word, or taking a photography class, or going to a bar, or.....You get the idea. Facebook is a thing. Sorry Mark Z, a "Social Networking Tool". Sorry to be sarcastic but I have a feeling you should be asking about a specific behavior or action that is bothering you.
ETA - Must remember to thank my FB friends. No drama here, just a lot of fun interesting people......Guess I'm lucky.
You can go look up my profile and go to my questions and find my question regarding facebook and the nightmare it has caused in my life. I think that sometimes when a husband is jealous of a wife it might be because they have a little character flaw in their own life regarding trust factors... BUT, I never thought that might be why I might have a problem with trust....
My husband has never given me a reason to not trust him but I have always had a problem trusting certain women. I have also learned to trust my gut instincts and I really believe that those gut intstincts are important for us to listen to. I have always been very judgemental about cheating or anything remotely close to it until my first love facebooked me and turned my world upside down.
So my dear... having been blindsided by the click of a key.... I believe that any problem you might have regarding facebook is not you being ultra sensitive but you tuning into that gut instinct we all need to have!
No problem, why would it be? It's just like a personal email or phone number but even more open and revealing, we can see everything each other says/does and share lots of photos, jokes and information across both sides of the family and among all of our friends. I love it!
Just remember: if he's lying, sneaking, flirting or whatever on FB he will just as likely do it anywhere else. That kind of problem has nothing to do with technology, that's HIS problem (and yours too I'm afraid.) I hope that's not the case :(
my husband doesn't want any drama in his life. He nor I have a FB account. Life seems simpler without one.
I had a problem with his ex girlfriend being his friend once she commented on something. I then made the account a duo account adding my name to his existing account by hyphenating it and we made a "family account". We also deleted anyone that made either of us uncomfortable. I just didn't like his ex knowing our life...We have a beautiful one but to me it is sacred. He totally understood and we have a wonderful FB account with both sets of friends so we never miss an invite or the ability to share our past fun lives and friends too.
If something makes you uncomfortable, even if anyone thinks that it is unreasonable, it should be comforted. You deserve to have your feelings matter. :)
I cancelled facebook, classmates, and linked in. The people I was hoping to get in touch with were not the ones contacting me. Exboyfriend, a crazy coworker who had stalker like behavior, and my MIL were causing drama.
My husband has one (I do too) but he is never ever on it. We are also friends, and our status says "married" we also have each others passwords for FB and email... I never check his & I really don't think he looks at my stuff. There is really nothing good to see.
The question is...do YOU have a problem with it and why?
I hear so much gossip about facebook and I honestly prefer to stay out of it.
Just my opinion.
I do know husbands and wives with separate accounts with NO drama, but they are a rare breed, apparently.
No. I have one, too, and we are "friends" so it would be tricky, but not impossible, to use it for anything I didn't know about.
I got an account first and then my husband got one. He uses it to play Mafia Wars. I trust my husband but sometimes I feel threatened when I see how many "friends" he has. But he very careful and doesn't connect with slutty "friends". I rarely use facebook and do not read my husband page because so many things are out of context that there is a potential for jealousy. I do think the Mafia Wars really suck his time.
facebook is the devil
I wouldn't have a problem with it in theory, but he's not really savvy enough to have one and even though he swears he "hates" it he likes mine well enough to check up on family and friends and view pictures. We treat mine like the family account. So it's kind of a moot point. He'll never get one unless I set it up and even then I'd have to maintain it for him.
My husband has one, I have one. Either one of us couldn't care less if the other has one or not.
I have one and my husband does not. He doesn't even want his pictures on there and my status says married, but not to who. He hates all that stuff. He can see my stuff, since he picks up my iPad all the time and FB is usually open. I have no clue if he looks or not. He probably has, but probably hasn't done it since.
I didn't have a problem with it because he hardly used it, and he wasn't doing anything shady on it.
I can see how it would cause issues if there was already a trust problem, or if the time spend on it was excessive.