I'm going to give you some very good advice and I'm going to pray that you and your ex wife take this advice to heart. I was where you are once, 30 years ago. My ex and I divorced when my child was 3 years old and then even though we were both educated people who both loved our daughter very much, we did dumb things like you are proposing here. Daddy told her that he had to live in a small apartment so that mommy could keep the house. I told her she had to go to daddy's for Christmas because that's what the court said. Daddy told her at my house she didn't have to clean her plate but at his house she had to. Daddy had clothes that matched his stepdaughter's clothes that could not come back to mommy's house, because they were clothes that lived at Daddy's. My daughter now has serious mental health issues. PLEASE don't do this, PLEASE don't involve your child in these issues AT ALL. Give your child a life as normal as possible. Learn to co-parent, even though you are divorced. Friend of the Court will provide resources. Consider the possibility of spending some times together so that both birth parents are with the child. Go to the zoo together. Spend his birthday together or a few hours on the holidays together. Agree on one set of rules, even if you have to work with a therapist to do it. Support each other as parents - don't compete to be the favorite parent - in the end, you will both lose! At one point, you loved each other enough to make this little guy, find it in your hearts to do the right thing for your son. All you need to tell your son right now, is I love you so much and I'm going to call you a lot until the next time we have play time together. Period. Nothing about his mom is doing it, or the court is doing it or the divorce is doing it. Just normal, love you, see you soon, let's talk on the phone a lot till then. Then you and your ex work it out with a counselor. Seriously, I wish with all my heart that I could turn back time, I wish someone had told me that even what I thought (and I'm sure what my ex thought) were sweet little things said to make sure she knew I/he loved her, were really just selfish things we said to protect ourselves and our own standing with our child. Protect him, not yourself, support her in all parental ways even though you are divorced...and I would tell her to do the same. He just needs to see and think that you are on the same page as far as him - ALWAYS. Please make that your goal. Good luck to you.