PLEASE DO NOT relactate, you do not know what foods he is intolerant to or are safe for him and breastfeeding him wiht the foods will jsut make him worse. My twins too werer like this and even intolerant and allergic to nutramagin and aliementium, they were put on Neocate, a hypoallergenic formula that cost $40 a can (a SMALL can) . no not to scare you, but they told us too , keep them on it for a year, a year got cloes and they still could nto tolerate any food but squash for one child and apples for another, yes my children were one years old living off one food and this million dollare formula. We could not switch this formula was keeping them alive and somewhat growing. My son was great but my daugher was 2 and still 19 pounds. So we started to buy it on ebay and craigs list and all our friends would call in for free samples to the SHS company. We found out what there disease was luckily and made friends in a support group on line and they too shared the formula when their child didnt need it or swithced to the second stage neocate etc. But it was costing us $1000 a month to feed and grow our babies, we couldnt afford it anymore and our parents helped the dr too did give us free samples and our friends gtttig nthe free sample and then we went on ebay and got it down to $800 a month, but that alone was as much as our mortgage payement! it was impossible and we had adopted a child who ended up after 3 years being trated for Cystic fibrosis. So we had three sick kids wiht majo mediacl issues, besdies ,the money we were exhausted, scared and broke. So our twins even up to the age of two were still on this formul, we kept praying they would outgrow the allergies and theywere able to add some more foods to their list but not enought to gain nutrition from it though. So finally by the third year we got our insurance company to cover it we went to our town legislature and had them help and every dr we know wrote letters and called nd called rejection letters to the company and well by age 4 and on our last leg emotionally, physically and financaily our prayers were ansered, it is covered so now my kids are 5 and we go to walgreens and pick up $1600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woorth of fourma every month. My son can olny eat 5 foods and my daughter about 20 however she is still 5 years old nd 34 pounds so you know some of the foods are still damaging her but my son is 48 pounds at 5, big and strong. i am blessed by this formula and I know that your son is too. You are an amazing mom and will find the resources to keep your son healthy and pain free. This unfortunately sounds like you are not only dealing with reflux here, I can tell from my experiences a bit here. I will pray for you and for now talk to your drs, the Gi, the llergist, the pedatrician, everyone and get a can and even the nurses, tellthem your sotry tell everyone, tell your friend so tget free samples, not sure if you are religious but callyour church or sinagaug and ask them to call or if there is a donation fund you can sign up for. R U kidding anyone would give a dollar to feed a child in need. Have your dr write a note to the insurance company and start fighting that fight. Please know I am here and if i can find out letters i will e-mail them to you to get you started. plese do the ebay thing for now. We ended up making friend on ebay that felt so sorry for us they would send free cans when they could, three families did this for us and we usually got the cans for half price when we paid attention well, sat nights were always good time to be in bidding wars, not too many people home i guess. you will learn the tricks ofthe trade as you do it. Take care of that sweet child boy he was really born to the right mom! you two are both so lucky!
hang in there !