My daughter was the same way. Didn't matter what formula I used, what type of bottle or nipple, how much she burped - she was going to spit up no matter what. Now this was over 30 years ago, so things may have changed, but her pedi told me not to worry about it as long as she was gaining weight, which she was. She did, of course, eventually grow out of i, but what a hassle. My child NEVER had a clean shirt or bib because she just constantly spit up and I just could not change her clothes that many times per day.
I remember one time I was sitting down burping her on my shoulder. She burped so I moved her so I could see her face to see if she had spit up and needed to be cleaned up and no sooner did I do that, she spit up A LOT right in my face! YUK!!!!!
Your LO will outgrow it - I know what a pain it is!