I have been in your shoes, i am currently pregnant with my second child, (first is actually my husbands, but i have adopted him), I have what has been diagnosed as dysthimia, it is a very mild form a depression, but the down side of it is that it wont go away, like some other forms of depression, and it took me loosing my 3 child (miscarriage) to actually seek treatment for it, i had no idea that i actually had a form of depression, because i didnt have the a-typical depression signs, you know the tiredness, sadness, eating problems, or the poor me feelings. i would however from time to time, not want anyone around me, i would get in moods where i would be extreamly short with my son, and everyone in my family, my lows are very low, after the loss of my 3 baby, i found myself having very bizarre thoughts, thoughts that i would never act upon, but still the same, i could be driving down the road and just have a thought pop in to my head, like i wonder what would happen if i wrapped my car around that telephone pole, or driving over a bridge that the river was over filled, i wonder if i drove in to that if i could get out. weird stuff like that, and it scared me. because i am not that type of person i had no idea where those thoughts were coming from, i wouldnt call them thoughts of suicide and neither would my doctor, but still the same considering the fact that i never wanted to be around my family and when i was i would snap at them, he put me on zoloft, it made me feel better and my family noticed a differance, but i didnt like some of the side effects that i was having but before i could change to another medicen i got pregnant again, i have sometimes had a hard time even being in the same room as my husband, but he is very understanding and trys to help when he can, even if it is just taking our son away for a couple hours so that i can have some peace. hope this helps. good luck.