I cannot function without my antidepressant. My depression manifests itself in much the manner that you described - I blow up at the tiniest provocation, yell, get so angry that I'll cry, etc - not the weepy, etc type of depression.
I have been on antidepressants for the last 12 years, and have been on Prozac, Wellbutrin, Paxil, Zoloft, and am currently taking Lexapro. I've also taken Abilify added onto my antidepressants.
Each drug interacts with each person differently. Prozac was NOT for me - but it certainly works well for many, many people. I, personally, went CRAZY taking prozac. I drove to Los Angeles (at the time I was living 10 hours from LA) naked, crying the whole way. Not pleasant. No other drugs or alcohol involved. I've never heard anyone else reacting to Prozac like I did, so I'm pretty sure the risks are slim to none. I have also never reacted to another antidepressant the way that I did to Prozac.
Your doctor sounds like s/he doesn't really understand how these drugs work. Even Lexapro, which works the most quickly of the antidepressants that I've been on, takes several weeks before levels stabilize in your bloodstream and give the best effect. You cannot start and stop taking them. Lexapro also has pretty severe withdrawal effects - I get sick to my stomach if I don't take it more than 2 days in a row.
Your pharmacist is correct. I would look for a new doctor - this would be enough to make me lose trust in him/her. And I would *never* take a prescription for an antidepressant from anyone other than a psychiatrist, who does nothing but think about these drugs and how they affect people all day long. I have two suggestions for wonderful psychiatrists that I trust (and there aren't many that meet my unreasonably high standards). If you are interested in them, I would be happy to share their phone numbers and names.
However, I do think that your symptoms sound like they could be improved from the use of an antidepressant.
I wish you a lot of luck!
Take care!