My hubby was like that, also, many years ago... he said that "he" would do the procedure.....
but he kept putting off getting an appointment, time after time..... then, one month after I was sweating it out, waiting for my period, I finally talked to him, and he was wimping out on me! So... I made the appointment, and a week or so later, I got my tubes tied (this was before Essure...) ..... it cost us 3 times as much, but I never brought that up....
Guys are wimps! Face it..... they aren't used to having their nether regions man-handled, and are scared of pain.....
What the heck would happen if THEY were the ones that had to give birth? I have a feeling the human race would quickly die out.
I'm sorry I have no experience with Essure, but surely it wouldn't be near as tough as a c-section. Having my tubes tied was a pretty easy procedure, but I was sore afterward, since the expand the abdomen with a gas..... I really don't remember much about it, since it was done probably 12-15 years ago.
Good luck!