Having a c section just to get your tubes tied "at the same time" is absolutely ridiculous! And completely unnecessary.
I had my tubes tied 2 1/2 years ago. These days they do not need to cut your stomach open. I only have two tiny scars. One is in my belly button. The other one is in my Pubic area.
I gave birth naturally, then 6 weeks later (I think) I had the Tubal Ligation done. I was in and out within like 2 hours, and was perfectly functional pretty quick.
Whether or not your husband wants to get a vasectomy is his choice. Just as what form of birth control you want to use is yours. I've heard so many women demand that their husbands be the ones who should go through with it because it's "easier" and she has already done all the work giving birth. But honestly tubals are really quick and easy now.
I chose to have my tubes tied because *I* am done having children. What if I got divorced or my husband died? I wanted to be sure that *I* couldn't get pregnant again.
Don't be scared to take charge of your life. :)
Do NOT get Essure! It has horrible reviews and problems. A friend of mine got them a year before I had my Tubal done. I was thinking about going with Essure until she told me all the trouble she was having. She just recently had them removed.