
Updated on March 05, 2008
J.S. asks from Memphis, TN
114 answers

I was wondering whether or not you ladies had an epidural during your delivery and what your recommendations are. My mother did not have one with me, but did with my younger sister and really hasn't offered any input one way or the other, except to say that "it must not have hurt too bad because I made another one of you a few years later".

Personally, I didnt really want to have one because I believe that birthing should be as natural as the process to make the baby. But, with the onset of these rather painful Braxton-Hicks contractions and the possibility that I will be induced into labor, I am afraid that I won't be able to handle the pain.

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answers from Baton Rouge on

don't worry about the birth - make sure you have food and laundry help for after!

the experience can seem more "painful" when you know there is an alternative. i used the word "interesting " for my contractions (ridiculous but i knew i could not do it with the word pain hanging around). all of it is work your body knows what to do for the baby. women and other female animals have unconsciously done without help for thousands of years. all that work is necessary when your body has managed to keep baby in all this time, and birth reminds us the power of becoming mothers.

if you have a regular epi without inducement, remember you will have to do some contractions yourself before it. if you have back labor (sunny side up baby head pressing against you that makes it hard to rest between contractions) it will make a difference on how you feel about having medical help.

in general i am most concerned abt inducement concerning health and experience for the mother. inducement sometimes leads to big episiotomies.

every birth is different - every woman, every baby. we all have different personalities and different lengths of cycles and different sized cervixes.

i personally think it is much harder to go natural in a hospital environment. hospitals have a system for doing things, it works well, and everyone is happy if it goes the regular way. the first time i probably wouldn't have minded an epi at some point but it was minutes later the baby came out. i ended up with natural births because the first time i was in minneapolis where half the babies are born with nurse midwives.

my own births were each different. my middle was very difficult.

so why did i do it again? i guess i'm kind of idealistic control freak that really needs to feel i can do it myself, i like to move around, and i can't stand to be messed with, lol. i reminded myself that it was really one day out of very many.

and yes, birth is intense enough that sometimes i would forget why it was happenning (huh? baby?) and it would feel like it would go on forever. i'd just have to breathe and take it moment by moment. (having said that, i also thought i would be pregnant forever in the last weeks)

why i like natural: it feels undescribably fantastic when the baby comes out, i've always grabbed them right away and held them to me. there was a natural high for days and all my babies were ready to go alert eyes open. sure, there is the health benefit..... but honestly i have to say the way i have birthed, nursed, coslept, and slinged my babies is because it felt good, it kept my happy hormones going, and it was easier for me the way i am.

MY ADVICE!!!!! is that you follow what you want, and trust that things will be okay. since there are so many choices, these are very personal decisions but sometimes we cannot control everything. women take birth very seriously, and should. but the baby and parenting aspect is what is really important.

for the most part how they come out doesn't affect the wonderfulness of their future or judge anything about you as a person, when we sail on through. you do what you can.

what is important is that you feel okay, and cope when things don't go they way you expect. babies thrive best when we have joy, confidence, and a sense of humor. food goes in, things come out. use hats, swaddle, hold them hold them hold them and it will keep them squishy soft. all the other details are extra, even crying is part of life. things you are afraid of - take note what to watch for and move on. being overly afraid can take away the fun and laughter of everything. take care of yourself so you can take care of the baby.

so enjoy the ride!!!!!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Memphis on

I've had two home births, so I had no pain medications--or anything else--completely natural. That's what I wanted, and what I got. I made certain conscious decisions early in pregnancy, and stuck with them. It's probably too late to have any sort of formal childbirth classes, but I'd be happy to discuss this with you off-list. (http://womantowomancbe.wordpress.com) You can also check out Henci Goer's book "The Thinking Woman's Guide to Childbirth" which has a section on the positives and negatives of epidurals.

Just know that there are positives and negatives to epidurals, as with anything else. Having had two natural labors and births, the negatives of not having an epidural is obviously the pain, but that can be greatly diminished by having a doula or other supportive person with you. The way your hospital is can also greatly affect your level of pain (requiring you to stay on your back in bed is usually the *worst* for contractions!). Relaxation is a great tool to help the pain stay manageable--you can start practicing now on your B-H contractions, and taking some time during the day to consciously relax and let go.

The best thing about not having an epidural is that you are in control of your body the whole time; and while you feel the contractions, not all of them are painful, and your ability to cope with the pain increases as the contractions get stronger. While there is usually pain associated with labor, I've heard many stories of women who have had pain-free labors (check out hypnobabies.com for a childbirth course specifically for that). Still, once the baby is born, the pain is gone! If you have an epidural, you'll likely have residual pain (long-term backache is more common, probably because you are in a bad position and can't feel it, and it strains your back; possibly from the actual injection into your spinal column); and epidurals increase the likelihood of needing pitocin to strengthen the contractions, as well as forceps or vacuum to assist in the birth of the baby (which has risks for the baby, as well as increases your likelihood of having an episiotomy--OUCH!), and also increases your likelihood of having a C-section, especially as a first-time mom.

You also really need to understand why you're being induced, and if it's really medically necessary. Most of the time, people are induced just because they've reached some magic date on the calendar; but a study conducted on white women (there is a racial disparity in pregnancy, so they like to study just one race at a time) showed that first-time moms would go into labor on average at 41 weeks and 1 day, so if you're induced just because you've passed 40 weeks, it may still be early. Know your rights! Know the risks! Inductions are notorious for failing (necessitating a C-section) in first-time moms. Look up "Bishops score" and find out what yours is before allowing an induction. Or, better yet, don't be induced at all unless absolutely medically necessary.

Remember that in order to be truly informed so that you can give consent, you must understand the benefits, risks and alternatives (including doing nothing) of the recommended treatment. And it's still your final decision, not the doctor's.



answers from Little Rock on

Hi J.,

Not to long ago I was in the same boat you are in now. I have a 6month old son. You read books (what to except when your excepting) ect.. you listen to other mother's that have had children ect. Everyone gives you their story on what to except. Let me just say that each pregnancy is different. I didn't experince any of the labor symptoms the book or people said I would have days before the birth. I experinced a couple within hours of going into labor. My point is follow your heart it will lead you in the right direction.



answers from Knoxville on

I had 2 children and had Epidurals. First one I was trying to have natural. I ended up with a c-section but I went into the hospital with contractions 5 minutes apart and going off the chart and they tried to tell me I had false labor and send me home. I was 2 days over my due date. I did not go home needless to say but I would have take a epidural then as bad as it hurt. It feels like someone is trying to tear your insides out. I can handle pain but that was a bit much!!!! Good luck on your decision. K.



answers from Montgomery on

I have had 5 children and 5 epidurals. With the 1st baby, I was about your age and scared to death. Wait and see if you are induced, then I would highly recommend the procedure. Also make sure that your birthing partner is proactive with your labor. I had a bad experience with a nurse anesthitist with #4 my beautiful daughter, but when my husband and I were proactive by telling the nursing if there were any problems with our 5th and it was my best epidural of them all. Read up with your birthing partner on the procedure and if you are not comfortable with the care you are getting demand to see the doctor or especially if you have a nurse anesthitist, ask to see an anesthesiaologist MD. Most NA's are highly well trained, but if a hospital is short staffed, which most are, then you may not have a doctor do the procedure. Ask question and have someone there to look out for your interests. Many, Many women have this every day and the majority do just fine and have great birth experiences.
Good luck on your delvery and congratulations.



answers from Baton Rouge on

Honey... would you have a root canal without Novocaine? Me either. I had an epidural and was able to enjoy the entire process. My father-in-law is still amazed that I "went in smiling and came out smiling".
My daughter was no worse for the wear as far as the medicine goes. She was happy and healthy and just fine. Now she's a happy, healthy, AWESOME 7 year old.
I say go for it, Chick. Enjoy bringing your perfect little girl into the world.



answers from Texarkana on

I have four children and have had four completely different situations. With my first daughter, I was 20 and finishing up college. I was scared and took whatever they gave me. The demerol (I guess is what I got) made me nutty and I ended up not remembering a lot of her birth. I think I had an epidural, but I don't really remember.

With my second daughter, my husband and I came up with a code word in case I did want medication. I was induced due to pre-eclampsia and ended up taking the epidural a long time after I really needed it and sounding like a crazy woman screaming the word BONG over and over (lol). We tried to use a word we would never in a million years say, and in my crazy, pre-eclampsia induced state couldn't come up with anything better than bong? I tried pushing every which way before taking help, but I just couldn't relax and decided to take the help...Anyway, I did have an epidural, but it didn't work for some reason and she came on out naturally anyway. It was a really painful birth, but I forgot about it the minute I saw her precious face.

With my third daughter, I was induced again for pre-eclampsia and took the epidural as soon as I felt pain. Her birth was really super and really fast. I only pushed one and 1/2 times and she was OUT!

With my son, he was breach and we had to have a c-section. No problems with the birth, other than the fact that I felt a definate disconnect with him due to the way he was born and the fact that I couldn't see him until my spinal wore off a long time later because he was sick and in the NICU.

With all that said, I feel the closest bond to the second daughter's birth precisely because of the pain associated with it. I love all of my kiddos the same, but her birth is something special because I remember every single solitary second of that very painful, but very special birth.

Don't let anyone or anything scare you. Come up with a code word (better than mine, of course) and trust your body. If I had gone by my mother, I would have asked for twilight sleep (lol, which they don't do anymore, thank goodness). If you feel like you need help, take it. If you don't, then don't take it...Good luck and God bless you and your family.



answers from Jackson on

I am a 25 year old mother of three children, all under the age of four. I also go to school and work, and did so with my pregnancies, so we have some things in common.

With all three of mine I had an epidural, because I was terrified of the pain. I will not tell you any of my horror stories from my first born but I will say that the epidural was given at approximately 8cm (a very normal time to get one) trust me it helped little if any on the contractions, but I do feel that it eased the pain from the actual delivery. My sister delivered her first born three months later with no epidural and seemed to experience the same pain as me, but when time came for the delivery she got very angry at everyone especially the doctor. Needless to say her second one came with an epidural.
The drawback is that I now have (and have since my first baby) a constant lower back throb that causes headaches. If I could do it over I would have tried to hold out a bit longer so I wouldn't have this constant pain. Congratulations and good luck with whatever you may decide.



answers from Johnson City on

This is something that really only YOU can decide because you are the only one who knows what your pain tolerance threshhold really is. I am 37 and I have a son who will be 4 in April and a daughter who will be 2 in April. I didn't have an epidural with either one. I don't remember the pain being that bad with my first one until after I had started pushing (and I pushed for 2.5 hours). The pain was a lot worse with my second one, but it was only about 3.5 hours from the onset of serious labor to the finish. Every person and every delivery is different. My advice is to plan to do whatever you want (it sounds like you don't want one) but be open to the possibility of changing your mind. If you don't think you'll be able to intelligently make a good decision, have someone there -- partner, parent, trusted friend -- who is aware of your desires, but can make the deicison for you if need be. It's also a good idea to have a written birthing plan in which you outline what you want and under what circumstances your "wants" might change. And it's really true that no matter how bad the pain is, it doesn't take that long to forget it once the delivery is all over. Good luck and let us know how it goes!



answers from Nashville on

I had my first baby last June, and did not have an epidural. I personally am more afraid of the epidural, and any side effects, than I was of the contractions and pushing my baby out. My labor was quick too, so that helped. I say try to hold out as long as you can and see how it goes first before making a decision. Let yourself experience the feelings of contractions and labor and see if you want to continue on, or get the epi. No one can really answer that for you; you will have to answer that for yourself once the time comes.



answers from Memphis on

I have had three children, first one at 18 and I did have one but with the second one it didn't work until after the labor due to the positioning of the baby, he somehow was blocking the pain meds to the right side of my body, and the last one I didn't get one. The differences I noticed was with the first and the second (due to extra pain meds trying to get it to kick in) I was so out of it that day but with my third one, I had tons of energy still. After they took her to get cleaned up and shots etc. I took my bath, got into some gowns I had brought, was cleaning my room and ready to go. My husband said you would have never thought that I had just had a baby. The nurse said that many of the women who don't have the drugs are like that.
You will be so amazed at what you can handle!!! Even if you go in saying you're not going to have one you may decide to after getting there. I would play it by ear. I was able to have all my labors 5 hours where as some women are in labor much longer. You may be able to handle it for a certain amount of time but then you are ready to get some help.



answers from Baton Rouge on

I had an epidural with both of my children. My first baby, I planned to go natural, but compilication came up and I was induced 2 weeks early. I labor naturally for 14 hours and when the told me I had only dialated 1cm and would need a c-section, I took the epidural so I could be awake when my son was born, but they gave me too much of the medicine, and it numbed me from the neck down. I didn't notice this until after my son had been delivered and when I realised I couldn't feel or move my arms I panicked and started to hyperventalate. I had to have oxygen to calm me down. And then the epidural didn't wear off until the next day (I had my son at 5 p.m. and couldn't feel my feet until 10 a.m.). For my next baby I vowed I wouldn't have the epidural, because of my last experience. I went into labor naturally at 8 p.m., at 11 p.m. my labor pains were way more intense than I remembered from my last pregnancy, and so I had a shot of Demarol(sp?), trying to stick to my guns and not have an epidural. But by 2 a.m., I was getting an epidural, and it was the best choice I've ever made. After getting it, I was able to sleep until about 9 a.m. and that's when my nurse told me I was at 8cm! I had slept through my whole labor! My daughter was born 2 hours later with no pain. I was also able to walk by that afternoon.
So, everybody's experience is different during childbirth. You are just going to have to listen to your body and do what feels right to you at the time.



answers from Alexandria on

I am the mother of seven children. So I kind of know a little about epidurals. One thing to think about is you have to be very determined not to use the epidural before you go into labor. I had thought I really wanted to have a natural birth but didn't prepare for it and as soon as I was asked if I wanted something for the pain I said yes and glared at my husband for saying no! My mom had had 6 children without Way to go Mom! But I found that my deliveries were way longer and harder than hers so you really can't go by what your mom was able to do. Witih that being said I also had a 10 pound 1.9 ounce baby and they had to let the epidural wear off before I was able to push her out and boy did that hurt. If you choose to have the epidural I would not suggest using the epidural drip I had that one with my second child and I don't think that it worked at all. If you have to have a C-section I did with my last they were twins and in breach, do not let them do a spinal. Everyone I know including myself who had a spinal had a spinal headache afterwards. You can't even pick up your head for 1 - 2 weeks without pain. I was told that it was the only way if you have a c-section but then I found out later several of my friends had had epidurals! So my recommendations are to have the epidural if you have not taken natural childbirth classes that teach you how to get through the pain.



answers from Jonesboro on

I had an epidural with my daughter, but it wore off before I began pushing. It was wonderful for the contractions, but by the time I was actually giving birth, I felt everything. I was so afraid it was going to be awful, but to be honest, it hurt for a split second and was nothing compared to the contractions. I hope this helps and I wish you lots of luck and many congratulations.



answers from Birmingham on

Well, it's really a personal choice since only you know your threshold for pain. Personally, I opted to have an epidural, but due to my labor progressing EXTREMELY quickly, i didn't have the opportunity. Some of the contractions were pretty bad, but for the most part the pain was manageable. The great part about not getting an epidural is that I did not have to get a catheter and that I was able to get up out of bed very soon after I delivered and walk around a bit. With that being said, If i had it to do all over again, i probably wouldn't get the epidural unless the labor seemed to be progressing slowly. Do what makes you comfortable and allows you to focus on bringing your beautiful baby girl into the world. Good Luck and Congratulations!



answers from Nashville on

Dear J.,

I have 3 children and didn't have an epiddural with any of them. I had planned on having one with my first until I got into the delivery room and I just thought "I'll get one when I can't stand the pain any more" by the time I couldn't stand the pain I was pushing. It was very painful but I felt empowered, like I could do anything. It really did help to have a birthing class, they teach you good techniques to deal with the pain, during labor I used some of the techniques that, durning the classes I didn't even think I would use. It is true that you forget the amount of pain until you are going through it again, but I just thought I know that I can do this because I have done it before.



answers from Memphis on

I did not have one with the first one but did with the 2nd one and if I had another one I sure would with that one!!!



answers from Texarkana on

Hi,J. S,I'm a mother of three and i had my first two with out anything and when it came to having my little boy they gave me epidural.If i had to choose again i would not have it.



answers from Chattanooga on

This topic is obviously an individual choice.. I have two beautiful girls. I had an epidural and pain shot with the first child and absolutely nothing with the second child... not by choice,, I was induced all day and it was very painful,, but when she started coming,, there was not time.

I personally had a much worse recovery with the second child because the pain was so bad that I pushed really really hard which not only made me tear, but all of the blood vessels in my neck burst and I looked like I had been beaten. In my opinion, having the pain does not make it more special.

My first delivery was calm, enjoyable, and I could focus on the moment and not the pain. My daughter, even though I had pain meds, was very alert,, eyes very open and responding to familiar voices, so I don't feel the epidural and meds had any effect on her whatsoever. She's a beautiful, intelligent, very caring 12 year old young lady now.

My vote is for the epidural, just speaking from my personal experience. If I had my second experience the first time, there would not have been a second time for sure.

Good luck with your decision, and it's just that... your decision. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for choosing what you feel it right.



answers from Montgomery on

I went natural. Not because I wanted to, but because she came so fast! IT was the most AMAZING experience of my life. Yes, there is pain. A lot of pain. BUt there are also endorphins, and they get you through that pain. It's so worth it to go natural. Good luck whatever you choose!




answers from Baton Rouge on

I haven't read the other responses on purpose, so here's my two cents...

I'm not going to tell you to have one or not either way. My first delivery was induced two weeks early because of some concerns the midwives & doc had about my daughter's fetal development. I went 12 hours on Pitocin without an epidural or any other pain relief. What finally got me to have the epidural was that after all that time, I had barely dilated - my body just was not ready to have that baby and I wasn't relaxing. I was exhausted from laboring for so long. So I went ahead and took the epidural despite wanting to have a natural birth, and it was a good thing. I fell asleep, relaxed and a couple hours later had my little one.

I am pregnant again and fully intend to have a natural birth. The way I see it, the epidural had a different purpose than pain relief for me last time. The epidural also gave me a horrible "pins-and-needles" feeling at the horizon of my body where the anaesthetic stopped (in the torso area). I also didn't like not being able to control my lower body and the (relatively) lengthy recovery time after baby was born (difficult walking for some time afterwards).

Here's what I would suggest to you. If you know you have a decent pain threshold, start without the epidural (but make sure you have done the appropriate paperwork ahead of time to allow for one if you decide to have it) and see how it goes. Do remember that contractions are the most painful right before the transition stage, so if you get to the point where you think you can't take it anymore, but you know you're fully dilated, hang in there because the contractions are about to let up into the pushing stage (I am told this is an immense relief for most women delivering naturally).

Make sure you talk to the nurses/doctor and know what the point-of-no-return is for having an epidural (past a certain point in labor they can't give you one).

Lastly, if you decide to have an epidural, don't beat yourself up about it. My husband was very worried about me being depressed because I had to have one, but I went with the flow and knew that at that point it was necessary for my and the baby's health. It's no big deal. Do what *you* feel is right for you. If you go into labor naturally, go with it as long as you can. If you have to be induced, you might wish to go ahead and have the epidural, as with induction drugs like Pitocin the contractions tend to be closer together, so you don't have as much of a break between them as you do with natural labor.

Above all - don't fear the pain - remember it's not a "something's wrong" pain but a "something's right and my body is just adjusting to have my baby" pain. That helped me.

You'll do just fine. :)




answers from New Orleans on

The epidural is as painless as poking yourself with a pin. I had two of them and trust me, they are a God send. I could barely feel it at all. When you are in the midst of a contraction, you can't wait for the epidural. Get one. You will be happy you did.



answers from Lafayette on

J. I know exactly how you feel. I was so nervous about getting the epidural I wanted to go all natural. But condsidering I had back labor and front contractions. So it felt like an inner tube of pain. And when I finally chose to get the epidural it was the best thing I had done while in labor. I never felt the needle go in. So definitely go for it! Good luck and Congratulations!



answers from New Orleans on

How exciting about your baby girl! I am the mother of six wonderful kids. My first was a girl and I also wanted to try my best to have her with no meds. It was such a long labor I went ahead and had the epidural. After that things went faster in fact because I relaxed and enjoyed that exciting time with my husband rather that the pain. Its great if you can do without, but dont' beat yourself up if you decide to get it. I went on the deliver 3 more that way, one set of twins and I had not problems and neither did my babies. My last two were by C-section. My oldest four have left the nest and I will cherish all the memories of each one of their births. Good Luck D. R



answers from Nashville on

J.- I'm all for natural births, but if I hadn't had an epidural with my son- I may have had a heart attack. I pushed for over 2 hours (that was not including the whole day I was in labor) and tore PAST MY BOTTOM... I had to be stitched up for over an hour and I can't imagine doing that without any pain med. Do what you want, but know what you may be getting into.

The moms who say it's not that bad going naturalhad good experiences. Hopefully, yours will be just as good.



answers from Johnson City on

I did have an epidural with all three of my deliveries. That said, I never had the desire to have a natural birth. I have learned a lot more though, over the years, and I see the benefits of natural birth, and the problems with epidurals. I don't think anyone can tell you objectively what you should do. I would suggest you do a lot of research on risks of epidurals, natural child birth (and pain management) and also on the risks of induction--and the high rates of unnecessary induction. I had an induction too, and I am more against inductions then I am against epidurals.

Sorry to not be able to give you a black and white answer, but very little in parenting is black and white. You'll have to research everything and go with your gut. Good luck, and enjoy your little girl!



answers from Tuscaloosa on

I had an Epidural with my daughter and everything was great. When my sister had her first child, she had an epidural and it was fine as well. She just delivered her second child two weeks ago and opted for epidural again. They stuck her four times with the 18 gauge needle (that's about half the diameter of a small pinky finger, just for reference). They thought that it took but it did not, after all that she ended up with natural child birth and then when it was all over, she had a spinal headache b/c the holes in her back were leaking the spinal fluid. They did 3 blood patches(over the course of 3 days, sticking her back a total of 7 times) that ultimately did not work. She basically had to lay flat on her back for 8 days until the holes healed on their own. She swears that if she has another child she will do natural rather than endure that kind of prolonged pain again. And just so you know, if you are in the Tuscaloosa area, the lactation nurse told my sister that 4 women that same day had bad epidurals. (Perhaps our local hospital needs to hire better trained people.)



answers from Biloxi on

i have had 3 different kinds of deliveries, with my 1st i had an intrathecial(sp?) which is where the put the pain med nest to the spinal cord, (i was tooo scared to get the epidural the first time cause i thought i was going to get paralyzed)all this did for me was take the contraction pain way down until i started to push , then i felt everything!!
with my 2nd delivery i had the epidural and i loved it, although it lasted on me alot longer then it should have, other then that it was my best friend.
with my last 2 i went all natural and don't be fooled it does hurt like he** but if you can breath thru it then you'll do fine,my last birth i really had no choice because my ins wouldn't pay for the epidural and she was my biggest baby at 8 lbs 5oz. and she was the only one i screamed with lol!! but i never said one cuss word ( my mom was soo proud)

it all really depends on the person and how you can take pain, if you think menstral cramps are the worst then get the epi!! but if not then try going natural, they can give you other things before you decide on the epi!!!!

good luck!!!



answers from Knoxville on

I, too, wanted to have a very natural birth in a water tub at a birthing center. However, due to circumstances, I had to deliver at a hospital. I ended up not even considering the possibility of any pain relief and delivered with forceps (not at all what I wanted) and no pain management. In spite of my incredible pain, my son was the most alert, aware, perfectly healthy baby from the moment he was born. I credit this to the fact that he did not receive any medication through me.

I do wish that I'd thought to request some sort of mild relief, but I'm so happy not to have had am epidural simply because Archie was so vibrant since he didn't have any second-hand drugs. I've seen quite a difference in babies born with epidurals and those born just with mild narcotic pain management. It seems as though they are just a bit more aware and alert.

As far as the pain goes, you'll be surprised what you can handle. The best advice give to me is to just keep all of your breathing and expressions of discomfort in a low vocal register. That is, try not to make high-pitched sounds but rather just keep a low moan. It really helps as a form of concentration.

And again, there are some milder drugs that you can ask for in order to manage your pain. You still have plenty of time to do some research; try to locate a birthing center and Lamaze classes to find someone to talk to about these options.

I think it's great that you want to have a very natural birth experience. Look in to Lamaze classes, even if you can only take a few before you deliver. These are a good way to learn about how to manage the pain and also the FEAR of the pain, which can actually make the pain worse than if you can anticipate what will happen and how to deal with it.
Also, make sure to have a great support person with you.
As crazy as it all is during the actual delivery process, just try to focus on your daughter as the end result.

I really believe that you can do this with no epidural. If you change your mind in the heat of the moment though, don't beat yourself up. Just trust your body and know that whatever you choose and are able to do,it will be the right thing for you.

Congratulations on your daughter, and best wishes for a safe and natural delivery.



answers from Shreveport on

I had the most perfect girl myself, Jan 8 of 01. I had no choice in the matter because she was early and C section was required. The epidural was very scary but the end result is worth it. As far as the labor pains, I never got to experience those. The pain in my back from where the epidural was went on for about a week or so, you may want to endure the pain, then again I may not be such a good judge. Best of luck to you with your daughter, the greatest gift from God!



answers from Memphis on

I HAD EPIDURALS WITH BOTH OF MY BOYS AND THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J.,i was scared and on the panic side with i was your age also. I was preg with my first child and 20 years old. I had heard good and bad things about the procedure.... but i had to try it ANY THAT IS THE BEST WAY TO HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!! BEING A MON IS THE GREATEST!



answers from Knoxville on

Hi, I have 3 children with 3 different labors. The first was and epidural, the second was a shot of pain meds in the butt and the third was a home birth. Labor hurts. If I were to have another one I would do it med free again. To get myself through that huge exhausting long labor and to come out on the other side because I DID IT was the biggest high Ive ever had in my life!!! I dont think you can have the beautiful extreme high in the end if you dont have the extreme to get there. If you end up not being able to handle the pain, thats ok too, its why they make the drugs. I would just wait and see how the labor goes - dont put any expectations on it - you wont know what your in for until your there.



answers from Memphis on

4y ears ago..i too said i was going to go natural...iwas induced on a wed...12 noon...by 8pm...i couldn't do it ..so asked for pain med in iv...that made me sleep for an hour or 2...then it was back again...so about 10 11pm i asked for the epidural....i was in labor all night and by 7am the next morning i was wore out...after trying forceps dr decided to do an emergency csection...i was so wore out was pretty much begging for it..lol..

i just had another little boy 7.5 months ago..i had a planned csection...and had epidural again...this time epidural didn't bother me..getting a cathere was worse for me...only thing about epidural..is the shivers like you are cold...but after and hour usually are gone...

good luck..just let it be your decision...



answers from Johnson City on

Hi J.,
I am the mother of 4 and one more on he way. At my Dr appt today they asked if I wanted to watc "The Epidural Video" and I said No Way! I do not opt for them, would not unless absolutely necessary, labor too long, not progressing, being sick and unable to find the energy...
Anyway, natural deliveries happen all over the world every second. If you took a labor and delivery class/LaMaze you should have learned many ways to relax yourself during contractions and easy positions to labor. The contractions only last a MINUTE! Braxton-Hicks are uncomfortable, mostly because you don't expect them and you know they're not the real thing so it is disappointing. They can be intense, but just close your eyes, think of a peaceful place and BREATHE! Don't hold your breath, many people do as a natural response to pain and it makes it worse. Inhale some lavender oil or essence and it may help, also. NO BURNABLE INCENSE Chamomile has also helped for relaxing. These are easily found at health food stores or the Body Shop, get good quality with no alcohol or other preservatives, only all natural, pure.
Good luck to you and go for it, you forget most of any pain a month later anyway!



answers from Baton Rouge on

Don't get an epidural. Read, read, read, natural parenting books and websites. Hire a Doula, who can help you find other ways to handle labor ctx and rent a birth tub. Also, stay home during labor as long as possible, stay relaxed and have the most natural supportive ppl surround you during labor. Don't allow the doctors to induce you unless it is medically indicated. Ask the doc for evidence why your body is not fit to birth your perfect baby girl. Don't accept 'a large baby' as a medical reason to induce. best wishes on a wonderful birth experience.


answers from New Orleans on

You have to put in your request for an epidural with the hospital well before the delivery date, but you don't have to use it. I recommend you register yourself to receive it in the case you change your mind in the delivery room, especially since this is your first child and you haven't experienced the pain labor and delivery will bring.

Once those contractions hit you and get worse (and they will), you may change your mind and want to use it, but cannot because you didn't sign the paperwork in advance.




answers from Birmingham on

Get the epidural!!! Life is painful enough without skipping available relief. The epidural will continue to help you for several hours after the delivery also. It will not reduce your alertness. In fact, it will free you up to delight in the birth and the child, rather than focusing on, and being exhausted from, pain. If you have any complications -- forceps, tearing, etc., it'll be unbearable without the epidural. If you get it and later think it was a mistake, you can always go natural with your second baby.



answers from Huntsville on

I am a first time mother and wanted to go the natural route too. I took every class that was allowed by the hospital and read as much as I could. I was in labor for 26 hours and got narcotics to take the edge off the pain. I had mostly back labor, but I had the most wonderful coach to help me with the pain and staying focused. All I can say is you are going to need to practice breathing to get through the pain before they give you the epidural. You have to wait until you are at least a 6 before they give it to you. If you decide to go the natural route, have someone in the room to coach you that you trust and will help keep you focused to block the pain. I have heard and read the side effects of having an epidural, like sometimes they don't work, you are in labor longer, it can affect the baby afterward, but ultimately, you are the one having the baby and you have to be concerned about what's best for you and the baby. If you are induced, pitocin makes the contractions harder and therefore harder to deal with. I had pitocin and I think I did okay. You can always get an epidural though. Good luck with your baby!!



answers from Dothan on

I have 3 children. With my first two I wanted and epidural, and had one with both, which did not take either time, I felt everything.When I was pregnant the second time they assured me that would more than likely not happen again b/c I was scared to death to have to go through that again with no relief, and it did happen again. With my #3 I delivered her at another hospital tried again with an epidural and it worked! It was wonderful. The experience was so much more pleasant, and I did not feel a thing. I did not fair any worse afterwards having te epidural. To me it was more enjoyable when there was no pain and I could actually enjoy the experience with my family. I say go for the epidural.
And by the way this did not drag out my labor. All 3 of my labors were well under 4 hrs from arrival to end, and # 3 with the epidural was the shortest I only had to push 2 times!



answers from Nashville on


Only you know what you are capable of handling. Personally I was TERRIFIED of having an epidural and I was 39 and work in healthcare so I had talked myself into having a natural childbirth after having seen my sister get one nearly 16 years ago. Suffice it to say my daughter was breach and my water broke almost 2 weeks before my due date so I ended up with an epidural since I had to have a c-section. It was painless, only a very small pin prick so I felt silly afterward. Bottom line is you can see how you feel and get one after experiencing labor or you can plan one now. Just have a game plan in case things change because they can and sometimes will. My only suggestion is that if you opt to get one ask the anesthesiologist to leave the catheter in. My OB thought my c-section would be quick and there were some small complications and they had taken my catheter out so that made me very nervous that I might feel something if the medication wore off too soon. Look at birthing plans online if you've not already to help you make some decisions now. You can also take a copy with you to your delivery to share with your delivering OB and nurse(s). Congratulations and good luck on your upcoming birth.



answers from Knoxville on

I was 18 when I had my son. I was enduced on a Friday and thought if the contractions were this easy that I could have him with no problem! What I didn't know was that it wasn't taking so they sent me home. I had contractions throughout the night but nothing I couldn't handle. I went back the next night to be enduced again. I don't exactly remember when they started but it was the next day, I am thinking afternoon before they came on REALLY strong. It was really unbearable. No matter what giving birth is going to hurt but I think labor is made impossible to handle when you are enduced. The contractions are one right after another giving you no time for a break. At the beginning of my pain they gave me something in my iv which helped at first but wore off pretty fast. It seemed like it took forever for me to get my epidural. I was REALLY scared about the epidural before giving birth but when you are in that much pain you don't care. I was not one bit scared of getting it at that point. After you get the epidural it pretty much helps right then. You feel a lot of pressure but no pain. After all of the labor I dialated to 9 but ended up having a c-section so I would have had to get an epidural anyway. Hope this helps! And good luck!



answers from Little Rock on

Hi J.,
I had an epidural with my youngest son (27). I would highly recommend it. I have 3 grandchidren and their moms both had the epidurals. Don't be afraid to have one. Enjoy that little girl.
D. C.



answers from Johnson City on

My vote is for the epidural. It is still very natural. You are aware of everything, but your pain is bearable. I had one and was very pleased with the results. I wouldn't worry about taking aware from the experience and I was induced and the epidural was great.



answers from Knoxville on

My advice is to be open to all options. With my son, my water broke with no contractions, so they had to induce me. I did have an epidural b/c the contractions come hard and fast when you are induced. With my daughter, she came so quickly that there wasn't time for the epidural. You don't win any medals for enduring unnecessary pain, so see what happens and be open for anything! Good luck and I hope you have a wonderful experience!!!



answers from Jackson on

If you are induced just know that it will be harder. The drugs they use create a labor that your body may not be able to take without some help. I did okay until the pit drip kicked in, and then I was ready for some relief. Maybe you could ask for a "light" epidural. These help with the pain but you can still feel the pressure(and your legs) which really helps when it comes time to push.

Good luck



answers from Little Rock on

J., Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! My daughter is due in June, she has a son 8, dau 3, now expecting another son. She had the epidural with the first and it was a BAD experience. She had the second child and had to have "2" epidurals,she will NOT have it again (her words) because of the risk and the bad experiences @ Conway Regional. I'm sure some have very good words to say about the epidural, each individual is different. But my daughter had really bad ones. GOOD LUCK and God Bless! N.



answers from Nashville on


Congratulations!! I just had my 3rd little one 5 months ago. The first pregnancy I had to have a c-section because she was breach, so they did a spinal. I definitely wouldn't recommend a spinal if there is any way around it. That was 15 years ago, but they made me lay perfectly flat while the meds wore off and it was extremely uncomfortable!

With my second, 11 years ago, I was had prepared for an epidural just in case, but really tried not to have to use it....I HAD to use it! I was in so much pain after I had dilated to 5 that I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. The process of getting an epidural was un-nerving but let me tell you: WELL WORTH IT!

5 months ago I had my first little boy and went ahead and set up for an epidural. The hospital I delivered at was very into doing the epidurals and was already running into the room giving me one before I even reached horrible pain. That time I was induced, by the time I had dilated to 4 they inserted the epidural and I never felt a thing...that was my easiest birth! But I have to say that I never had any complications with the epidural while having it put in or afterwards either time.

My advice is to go ahead and prepare yourself for an epidural, take the class or whatever and then if you don't need it, just let them know that you don't want it. If you end up needing it, then you're covered! However, if that is the route you choose, be sure and find out how far you can dilate before you reach the "cut-off" point for getting one if you should need it!




answers from Nashville on

My only advice is to avoid an epidural before 5cm and after 8 cm. Epidurals done in early labor have higher instances of cesarean section, and slowing of labor which can cause fetal distress and lead to unnecessary c-sections. Epidurals done too late in labor (during transition, 7-10 cm) will only slow the labor and make you incapable of pushing. Transition typically lasts for less than 1 hour, which is a blink of the eye in the grander scheme of things. If you have more questions, or just want to talk you can email me through my site www.betterbirthingTN.com




answers from Johnson City on

Honey, all I can say is TAKE THE EPIDURAL. I am a mother of 2 ages 2 and 5 and I know all about the pain of labor and the epidural. When I had my first child I thought I wasn't going to take the epidural, until, they induced me and mama mia I started hurting. There is was no breathing or concentrating for me. There was no concentrating knowing how bad I was hurting. Thank GOD for the epidural man. I felt so much better after that and when I relaxed I dialated more and labor went faster. When I had my second child they gave me an epidural before they even induced me. Its a great experience because I could feel the baby coming out but no pain whatsoever. It was great. I highly recommend the epidural.



answers from Chattanooga on

Getting an epidural was one of the best decisions I ever made. I didn't feel like it removed me from the process AT ALL! In fact, I felt like I was able to enjoy the experience even more. I was still very in tune with my body during the entire labor. I still felt contractions. It did not inhibit my labor at all (and I was induced). It did not inhibit my pushing ability either. I only pushed for 25 minutes and was really able to focus on pushing the right way. There is no doubt I would have an epidural again.



answers from Texarkana on

With my first daughter, I didn't want an epidural. I thought I was strong enough to handle the pain. I did get demarol, which I don't recommend. They said I would still feel everything, I just wouldn't care. It was like I was asleep every 30 seconds and my parents had to pick me up so I could push. When she was born, I just fell back. They had to hold me up to see what she was and I couldn't even see her face. I did have an epidural with my second daughter. It was great. I was relaxed and got to hold her as soon as she was born. She weighed over 9 1/2 pounds so they pushed on my stomach a little to help her get out, but I didn't care- couldn't feel it. I wanted an epidural with my third daughter, but it didn't work out. The nurse gave it to me too soon and it slowed my contractions. I had to let it wear off so my contractions would get stronger. By the time I could have gotten another one, it was too late. I had to push. I was very much aware of what was going on and how much it hurt. At one point I told them I couldn't do it anymore. But I made it and got to hold her while they sewed me up, which I did not feel, because the joy of holding her blocked everything that was going on around me. With or without, you'll forget the pain as soon as you see her. Congratulations and good luck.



answers from Jonesboro on

Well, first of all... Congratulations!!! Now I am going to go about this in a differnet manner than most of your responses have been. I am a mother of 5 beautiful and healthy children (2 epidurals and 3 natural labors), but I am also a Neonatal Nurse. I watch babies being born every day and I have seen quite alot. Speaking from experience personally and professionally, go to the epidural class and sign the permits in case you should get into a situation that you would need one or want one. Nothing worse than not having the legal stuff out of the way and wanting the epidural only to be told you can't have it. After that being said, my best advice is to let your body be the judge of that. If you labor naturally, no induction, wait it out. You may be a natural and not need it. If you are induced or the baby is positioned wrong, baby should come out looking down at the ground, then you will definitely want the epidural. These are things that you won't know until you get there for the big day. You may go into labor naturally and need to be stimulated to speed the process up and this is much like being induced, so just because you don't come in for an induction, doesn't mean that you won't end up getting the same treatment as someone being induced. Be prepared for the pain and maybe you won't need it. No matter what, make sure you push when you need to push and don't scream, it only inhibits the pushing. Good luck and remember, pain goes away and you are left with a beautiful reward.



answers from Fayetteville on

Hi! Congrats! I have a little boy who is three and a half now. I always said I didn't want an epidural mainly because I was afraid of needles, but when I got to the hospital the pain from the contractions was so intense I needed one. The epidural didn't hurt at all!!! And I can't imagine what it would have been like without one since it was still painful with one. I admire those who can do it without pain killers, but I wasn't one of those people. I would also like to add that my sone was completely alert and awake and aware. He kept his eyes open and was trying to look around. He had no side effects from the medicine! Good Luck and Best Wishes!



answers from San Diego on

Hello Jesica & Congratulations!!
I am a mother of 2 girls. I recommend the Epiduarl. With my first daughter I was induced due to my water bag was leaking. I fought from having an epidural due to wanting to experience the birth. The pain was too much that my body was going into shock. So I fianlly spoke to a family member and my nurse for advice. I am so thankful that I chose to have it afterall. I still felt everything but it took the edge off.
5 years later i had my second little girl, I went in knowing I wanted the epidural and it was such a nice experience from the beginning of labor. I got to enjoy the experience with happy, pleasant thoughts!!
Prayers are with you and your decision. I hope this helps you make your decision!



answers from Nashville on

when you go into labor, you could care less about what you have. When it hurts, you want something for the pain.
I had 3 epidurals and with my last one (21 yr later) I had one natural at the age of 45. I called for an epidural at the end but she was already here. All I had to do is sit more in the up position so gravity would cause her to drop. She wasn't going anywhere laying on my back.

As far as what to do: That is entirely up to you. I use to say that people that wanted to do it natural was crazy. Why go through all that pain when you don't have to because the epidural didn't hurt (there was too much labor pain to think about what the eipidural felt like.) I sat and watched tv while my first 3 were born. It was a breeze.
Until I had my daughter natural..... I loved it. I think it was actually just being able to say I did it. I got up and walked immediately after she was born. (I freaked the dr's and nurses out but I got up.) I was sore (down there) with all the others but the one that I had natural, I didn't feel like I wanted to stay confinded to the bed and didn't hurt that much. Of course she was the forth one and I was 45 yrs old too.
So it is all up to you. If you would like to try it natural, then just try it but tell the dr's that you want to have a back up just in case. You know the first baby is usually a longer labor.
But if you are scared of the epidural... don't be. When you are going through those labor pains, the epidural is going to be the least of your worries and you won't feel a thing.



answers from Baton Rouge on

Hi, I have 2 beautiful boys, with my 12yr old, I had an epidural after I couldn't take the pain any longer, ( I was being induced because my water broke, and I wasn't moving along quickly enough) it took the Dr. 2 tries to get it to work, and finally got it. It was great, didn't fell anything. But the after math was horrible. I got the worst headaches from it because they nicked my spinal cord, and it was leaking fluid. So if I was upright in any way, my head felt like it was going to fall off, but laying flat I was ok, no pain at all. It was a simple fix, but I was afraid for my second child. See, I wanted to go natural the whole way with both, but it never worked out. With my 2-1/2yr. old,(different hospital) I had to be induced because my water was low. I went about 10 hrs with out any meds! I was so proud of myself, then, they had me get on the "birthing ball" and that sent me over the edge of pain tollerance. I got the epi. and had him with in 2 hrs. I went from 5-10 in about an hour!! I just couldn't take the pain, and I started bleeding too. But it all truned out ok. My feet swelld really bad wtih him, for about 2 weeks, I looked like I had balloons for feet. Now I am prego again!! And want to try again for a 100% natural labor and delv. But if I need that epi, I'm going to get it. Just deal with it, take a lamaze class if you can find one, but do what you feel is right! Don't feel bad if you need the epi, it hurts like hell, and don't be ashamed! Take care and hope it all goes well for you!



answers from Texarkana on

Well, I had one with my daughter, she is almost 2, and I really don't think I could've had her without it! The only problem I had was that the anetheseologist turned my IV up too high, and I literally could barely even push. Then my daughter got stuck behind my pelvic bone, so they had to use forceps. But I ripped pretty bad, and once I started having contractions, they were pretty painful! I have a low tolerance for pain though. My mom had 4 kids, and she had one with 2 of us, and the other 2 she just had pain meds and she said it was all the same. So you just need to do what you think is best! Congratulations, motherhood is the best thing in the world!



answers from Johnson City on

All I can say is that I felt the same way until the day I went into labor. Keep it open as a option and talk with the drug doct. ahead of time Let him/her know your feelings they can regulate how much pain you feel. It is a better experience without Sooo much pain. But, it depends on the person. Best Wishes on a healthy delievery.



answers from Baton Rouge on

Hi J.!
I just had my first baby (who is also a girl) 6 weeks ago. I am VERY pro natural and had every intention of going natural. I delivered at Women's Hospital and they have a 97% epidural rate. I was adamant about not having one..well I had to be induced and when my Dr.broke my water I had HARD labor for 2 hours and just could not take it any longer. I was only concerned about my baby and didn't want her to be "drugged" and not nurse immediately b/c of the medicine. Not to mention I didn't want it to slow my contractions down. Well I am here to report none of that happened! I got the epidural and had her in 1 hour afterwards! She nursed in the delivery room also! So my advice would be to stick to your guns about no epidural and if you must have one, don't beat yourself up about it...Go as far as you can w/out it. Good luck and please let me know how it all turns out!


answers from Memphis on

I had an epidural with my 1st one only. And the reason was I thought I would hurt like that for the rest of my born days! She was posterior and I had all back labor and couldn't get rest between contractions. SO I had it. It took me longer to recover and feel like myself than with the other 4. I pushed too hard and had hemorrhoids and then my face swelled from the pushing but THAT was lack of knowledge not so much the epidural.

I do remember the pain stopping...and the labor. Then it was petocin to get it going again & then here she came. I also said wacky stuff in the recovery room, something about not being able to afford her because we hadn't sent the astronauts to the moon yet! UH YEAH.

With #2 I was all prepared to have one. My water broke on the way to the hospital but thought nothing of it, got there and I was 6cm. So I waited, and 20 minutes later, I had a boy. No meds of any kind, even for the episiotomy and it was great. I was up, out of the bed, showered and make up on within hours.

I think everyone has to make the decision they feel is best. My experience was I felt more alert, healthier, my baby was more responsive without meds than with them. Just tell yourself during labor...this time tomorrow I will have a beautiful baby...and this too shall pass. The pain may seem it lasts forever, but it doesn't and when it comes time to push that sweet baby out, the pain stopped and I got to work. It's great. Probably why I had 5, LOL.

If you opt to have one, do NOT let anyone make you feel like a bad mom because you're not. My daughter did just fine, she was perfect and beautiful and while I felt more out of it than with the others, I didn't miss anything important. I just try to encourage moms to hold off as long as they can because you are stronger than you think!



answers from Nashville on

I had one with my first child and decided to wait with my second to see if I could handle the pain. By the time I requested the epidural, I waited another 30-45 minutes and then I was feeling the pressure. When my third was born I tried to request the epidural the week before she was born!!HA!! I highly recommend it!!



answers from Lafayette on

I have had three babies. The first two with the epidural and the third without. If you are induced then yes have the epidural. The contractions are stronger and labor is tough. I was able to go without on the third time because labor was less then one hour. My first delevery was hard and the contractions were unbearable. Save your self the misery of doing hard labor. The epidural makes you confortable and you will enjoy the process more. Good luck.



answers from Birmingham on

I had five au naturel. The thing that helped 1. a doula, 2. being allowed to walk around during labor and move as I wanted.

That said, most women I know loved epidurals, but they are not risk free.

Something to think about. www.dona.org or www.cappa.net are ways to find a doula. I highly recommend them!


answers from Nashville on

I was in labor 36 hours with my first after my water broke so I gladly took the epidural and then still had to have an emergency c-section. I am expecting my second child in 5 weeks via c-section so I will have the epi/spinal again.Some women do fine without any drugs but as for me after the pain set in I couldn't handle it. Good luck with whatever you decide.



answers from New Orleans on

I think this could go so many ways i did have one it felt wonderful afterwards but I was in labor for over 24 hrs. The only problem i have now is i still have pain (sometimes) in my lower back which the dr says is most likely from the epidural. Its a personal decision, there are good and bad sides, my two year old came out nice and healthy. Good Luck!!



answers from Nashville on

Giving birth is a wonderful experience and something to look forward to!

With my first pregnancy I opted to have an epidural and was glad I did! In the end, I had to have an emergency c-section, so I was ready to go into surgery, when the time came. It was a relief for me to have an epidural already done. Down side, after labor, I ended up having high blood pressure(a little higher than they'd like to see I was told), they had to watch it and was in the hospital 4 days, which I probably would have been anyway because of the c-section. But it was played off, so I didn't think twice about it when I became pregnant again.

Almost 9 years later I had my second pregnancy and knew it had to be a c-section, I'm too petite boned to have children vaginally, so again, I did the epidural. No reason not to. I ended up having a lot of complications during birth and after due to the epidural, and the doctors playing it off. I still have a few issues to deal with today because if it. If I could do it again, I would opt to have a general anestic, not an epidural.

I don't recommend an epidural, if there's something else, but everyone reacts differently to them. First time was o.k. for me, really didn't have too much of an effect, but second time through my body for a loop. They ended up puncturing my spine and leaking spinal fluid the second time around which caused a whole lot of rippling physical and mental effects. There's always a chance for complications with anything, but you never think it will happen to you.

Just do your research, pray about it and do what you think is best. Gather all the information, good and bad, and weigh it. Each person is different and their bodies react differently than others. So most anyone can offer you is experience and opinion and my situation isn't most women's.



answers from Memphis on

I had planned for a natural childbirth, no meds. Unfortunately, I had on again, off again labor for 2 1/2 days and no sleep during that time. By the time I got to the hospital I was exhausted, but I still wanted to try. Unfortunately, they broke my water and I was having very intense back labor. I went for about an hour after they broke my water, and just couldn't take it anymore. So I ended up with an epidural. I ended up with an emergency c-section anyway... I'm very disappointed I didn't manage to have a natural birth, but at the same time, the pain was simply too intense for me to endure after the 2 1/2 days of no sleep and chronic pain. the important thing is that I have a healthy happy baby boy now who is none the worse for wear despite having a rather traumatic birth that broke every "rule" I had. He was in the NICU for 2 weeks, was only breastfed for a month, but he's still a happy healthy loving little boy.

Here's my suggestion: Go in with every intention of not getting an epidural and having a natural birth, but realize it's an option and you are allowed to change your mind. Be sure to get plenty of coaching on coping with the pain (use a doula or midwife if possible). I hope everything goes the way you want!



answers from Birmingham on

Hi my name is A. and I wanted to have a natural birth too, well until I got thigh contractions ( I know that you maybe have never heard of thigh contractions but they are real). That was worst than regular contractions are. My Anesthesiologist was wonderful and when that medicine kicked in I was able to relax and have a easier birth. I was 23 years old and this was my first birth, my son is 1 year old today. Your little one will always be the perfect little girl, Atleast that the way I feel about my PERFECT little boy!! GOOD LUCK! GOD BLESS!- A. Nelson ( Cullman, AL)



answers from Fort Smith on

I am 25 and a mother of four. I had all my kids without an epidural. My first three were home births. When I had my last one at the hospital I knew I wanted an epidural. I had heard that it didnt help with the contractions but when the babies head crowns you dont feel it. My sister in law told me this . She had two with, one without. Well needless to say whan it came time for the epidural my labor was going to fast, by the time it was ready I was ready to push. I think if you want to do it without, give it a try you can always change your mind they usually dont give you it till your dialated to a six, by then your almost done.
You can also ask four pain killer through your i.v. It worked for me.



answers from Memphis on

Congrats on parenthood. It is the most challenging and rewarding thing you will ever do. And nothing will bring out the nature of your true character more than having a child.

Women have been having babies for thousands of years all over the world. Our bodies are designed for it.

I went natural with a 8 pound 8 ounce baby. Yes, it hurts. But it was not unbearable, for me. The best advice I can give is to know your own pain threshold. If it's low, go for the comfort. If you han handle some pain with a stiff upper lip....go for it.

Best wishes for a swift and comfortable delivery!



answers from Nashville on

J., I did have an epidural with my little girl in 2006. Like yourself, I was 20 years old, and I got lots of input from others about whether to go natural or not. Anyway, I finally decided that there wasn't any reason that I shouldn't allow some of my pain to be taken away during childbirth. And I am so glad that I did have an epidural because I got to watch my little bundle of joy come into the world right along with my husband, without having to worry about the pain and discomfort as much.



answers from Montgomery on

Go with what you think you need. If you can tolerate the pain then go natural. I took the pain of contractions for as long as I could. Then I got the epidurals. Congrats on your little girl cherish every minute you have with her. They are wonderful.



answers from Memphis on

Hi J.. First of all congratulations. I know you must be so excited and cannot wait to have that baby girl in your arms. Take as many photos as possible no matter what anyone thinks.

I tried to have my son naturally, however he was too big so I wound up having a c-section. When I was trying to do it naturally, I was dialated to a 4, and a tech (or whatever they are called) came in and explained to me about the Epidural. Before I went into the hospital I decided I did not want an epidural. And, when he came in I was not in pain at all. Well, I take that back. Every hour the doctor would come in and put her hand inside to see where I was. Not painful, but extremely unconfortable. But, he explained that the earlier I took the epidural, the faster it would kick in and the less pain I would feel.

So, I went for it. I am so glad that I did. I did not feel a thing. I had no idea I was dialated to a 10 and when they would tell me I was having a contraction, I would have to look at the moniter because I did not believe them. It was great.

Then, I would up having to have a c-section. This too was a pleasant experience. Although I did not get to hold my baby immediately, and I had to go into a recovery room, it was not painful. You feel a little bit of pressure at the end when they sew you back up, but while they are sewing you up they will give a dose of something (i think it was morphine) and it will knock you out so you dont remember. If you are in pain while they are pulling out the baby you just tell the doctor and they will knock you out then. I wanted to be awake to see the baby. They had given me some drugs to help with the pain, and I forced my eyes open just until I got to see my sons face, then it was all a blank from there until I woke up in the recovery room.

If you do wind up having to do a c-section, they will tell you to rest. I did not. I was fighting the morphine because all I could think about was my son. I just wanted to see and hold him and nurse him. Now, I wish I had rest when they told me to. That is the last chance at rest you will have for about 3 months. So TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!

Good luck!



answers from Augusta on

Hi J.

That is a great questions. I used the epidural for both my kids. I was going to do it natrual at first but I was induced and I could not get use to the pain as fast as it was coming. If you like to try it natural perhaps you can find a chinses medicine doctor or acupuntist that could assist you during birth. It is not the end of the world to use medicine and my children have turned out just fine. Your mother probably does not remember the pain because usually after you see your new baby you forget. Good luck and I would say read and ask lots of questions.



answers from Birmingham on

I was scared to death of GETTING the epidural but never consider not getting one. When I felt the 1st few contractions prior to the epidural given, I was SO very glad I opted for getting one. You may be in labor for several hours, there is no need to lay there in pretty serious pain. I would STRONGLY recommend the epidural and both of my children were born very alert.



answers from Decatur on


I am a 38 year old mother of two. I went in with my son thinking I was going to do the natural thing, drug free. Well 16 hours into labor I changed my mind. I got an epidural and the experience was much more pleasant. With my daughter I had an epidural from the time the doctors allowed. My delivery with her was much more pleasant and the whole experience was better. By no means am I saying that your delivery will be as long as my first but I can tell you if I were to have another one epidural all the way! Good luck to you!



answers from Knoxville on

Hi - mom of a 13 month-old. Don't worry about deciding now. When the time comes, and you are in active labor, you will know if the pain is too stressful and you need a break. I have a very high pain tolerance, but my contractions were unbearable, after 12 hours of them, I finally had an epidural, and I felt nothing after that and starting dialating much more quickly. I did have trouble pushing because he was my first, and I couldn't feel what I was doing. They let my epidural pretty much wear off and I felt everything - but it helped my push. They gave me more epidural right before he came out, so I was relieve at the end and felt no pain as they stitched me up and I held my precious baby for the first time.



answers from Chattanooga on


I have three beautiful children, and let me just say...thank the LORD for epidurals. I had epidurals for all 3 of my kids and wouldnt have had it any other way. It really depends upon your personal preference. The beauty of this is you do not have to decide right this moment. Talk to your doctor about it and let them know that you arent 100% sure if you do or do not want one. Let them know you could go either way. Then just test the waters. When you go into active labor, gauge how well you are handling the pain. You can have an epidural up until a certain point, make sure to tell you doctor to keep you informed on how much longer you have to decide. Once you doctor makes it clear to you that you have to go one way or the other, make your choice then. I know that i typically had mine placed at around 4cm. I have a very HIGH tolerance to pain, but decided that the stress of labor was too much, and wanted it to be a much easier transition for my body, that is why i had them. Just see how well you are handling your labor and decide at that time, not now. I know a lot of people that have said...absolutely no drugs...then when it came down to it, they were begging for drugs a couple of hours into it. Good luck, you will know when the time comes.



answers from Nashville on

Who wouldn't want child birth to be as natural as possible? However, the reality is that child birth is PAINFUL & why would you want to be in agonizing pain while giving birth -- one of the most awesome experiences God can bless you with? I feared having to get an epidural, due to the fact I have a huge fear of needles---but the experience I had with receiving my epidurals (I had 2 children by C-Section)was nothing I thought it would be. Good luck!



answers from Johnson City on

Hi J.,
Congradulations! I will tell you I have done childbirth both ways. The first time I had all these ideas of how much I wanted a natural childbirth. After my experience I would never do it again, but my labor was prolonged. I was in labor for 18 and 1/2 hours, and it was back labor. I was in so much pain I don't remember the experience. The next time I went with an epidural, I'd do it again. This is a very personal decision. My sister had two natural births and they were both quick. Neither of mine were. This is a decision where you can change your mind in the middle of delivery (usually). If the birth is moving very fast you can't get the epidural. If that is the case you will probably be glad you didnt have one. If the delivery is taking a long time and you feel you need an epidural have one. Just make sure you talk with your doctor and they understand you may change your mind. Just remember everyones delivery is different. With my youngest son I was in labor for 17 hours at hour 15 another woman came in and took the room next to mine and she delivered 15 minutes later. I say decided at the time not before. We are all different and when you are in the middle of labor you'll know what you want. Also remember once you get an epidural you can't walk around anymore. That's what I enjoyed about labor the first time I wasn't stuck in bed. I kept walking around until I started pushing.

Good luck and dont over think this, issue, just yet!
M. B.



answers from Biloxi on


I had an epidural with my son (born last Feb.. I was never opposed to an epidural, but wanted to wait as long as I could before getting one. I wanted to experience labor. Everyone is different and if you choose to go without, more power to you, but know that it is available. HTH.


P.S. I had no adverse reactions (other than being too numb to push) but that was the nurse's mistake for not having the epidural turned off in a timely matter.



answers from Jonesboro on

I just say go into thinking openly. Try labor without one and if it gets to intense get an epidural. That does not make you less of a true women or mom. I had an epidural and it was the best thing. I actually got to enjoy the birth of my son without alot of pain. I also had an episiotomy and so I was glad I had an epidural already.



answers from Hattiesburg on

I had an epidural. At the beginning I wasn't sure if I was going to use it, but I sign the release form just in case. Then after 10 hours of doable contractions my body did something to me that I wasn't prepared for - I was shaking, and crying, and basically with every STRONG contraction I couldn't control myself (I wasn't shouting or %#$, but everyone around me was terrified) - it was some sort of shock caused by pain, that I wasn't fully aware of :)
I was ready for epidural and it was the best decision I could have made. When the epidural kicked in I dilated faster, I took a nap, and I was ready to have a baby!!!
The delivery was a pleasure and the afterward part had no affect on me either (what the doctor has to do)

The epidural was created to help us and make the experience easier on us. I am a scientist and science is there to make our life better.

Whatever your decision, don't feel bad about it!
Good luck!



answers from Grand Junction on

Congratulations to you.
I too was 20 when I had my little girl, and was a college student. I knew that I couldn't make an A in every class, but I was going to do everything right to make sure she had everything going for her when she was born.

I had said I wouldn't get the epidural and I didn't. I couldn't not be gaurunteed that we would not have any sideffects from the drugs and so I said no.

I was induced and was on putocin for 12 hours till she was ready to enter the world. I was not at a hospital that had different techniques for pain management, so as soon as the nurses walked out the room I was out the bed and walked alot. This helped alot! I also sat on the toilet alot, this gave relief to my back and there was no pressure on my bottom. That worked great! Looking back the hardest part of labor was in the bed. I can say now and then too, that it really wasn't pain, but more discomfort. I was so excited that I just wanted to hurry it along to I could hold Ellie Mae and tell her how much I loved her.

2 years later we had our son Herbert, and now I knew that I could do this without any meds again. I was induced again and went 16 hours of labor. I did the same for him lots of walking and sitting on the toilet, and please don't think that your daughter will fall in.

The only thing that I would have changed is that I pushed so hard that I tore muscles in my rectum, yes this is common in women that have large babies (even though mine were only 6.8 and 8.6lbs) , unfortunalty the dr didn't do a great job putting me back together and I will have to deal with this now. Good luck and please feel free to email with any questions___ E. Turner Lafayette La



answers from New Orleans on

With epidurals there is always a possibility for error. If you want to go natural be sure that your doctor and the nurses on duty are aware of your decision and will support you in this. Many nurses are terrific coaches and will help you all the way. You must know the breathing exercises and be aware of what you and your baby will be going through. I had 7 natural childbirths and would have it no other way, but it was not a piece of cake. Advice - as long as you are progressing through the birth process and dilation is moving along with consistency stay with the natural. never put your baby or you at risk. Remember once you get to 8 centimeters you are THERE Just keep going one contracton at time. The best news you will hear is when the doctor says you can push You will do great! Just learn all you can between now and then so you are in control of the process. Recovery from natural child bith is quick and easy too, you go girl!



answers from Chattanooga on

Sometimes it just depends on how YOU feel at the TIME. I wanted an epidural-free delivery both times. First time around, I had been in labor for 40 hours before they would even CONSIDER admitting, it was the most painful 40 hours of my life. I was BEGGING for an epidural by the time they admitted me. My second labor was virtually pain free, but I wound up with an epidural anyways, due to the fact the were worried that the after I delivered the first twin, second baby would go breath, and they were worried that they would have to do a C-Section. So.. my opinion is this... wait and see, you might not need it, or you might be begging for it. Good luck with your delivery, and best wishes!!



answers from Huntsville on

I've had 5 children. 2 with epidural, 1 with demerol, and 2 totally natural-one of which was born at home w/ midwives. I would've preferred to have them all natural w/ midwives if I had it to do all over again. It really just depends on if this is your first and what your pain threshhold is. I never considered labor pains as hurting until the last 15 min, and then it's almost over. Your natural endorphens kick in to help.
Kim Dowling



answers from Knoxville on

This is a personal preference in my opinion. I had used the epidural with both my children and the only affect I had at all is the two little scars on my back. They put it in while you are having a strong contraction so you don't feel it, and the baby is out before you know it, and they don't usually have any effects from it. I researched it and it seemed safe. I would NOT go through labor without it, because it worked wonders. Good luck with your decision, but I am all for it. Congratulations!



answers from Knoxville on

I have two children, a son who will be three in February, and a daughter who just turned one.

When I had my son, I didn't know whether I wanted an epidural or not, and just played it by ear. I was induced (6 days before his due date) with him though (which I wouldn't recommend unless it's absolutely medically necessary). Because of the induction, my contractions were very hard and very painful (more than they should be since they were being unnaturally produced). So, I asked for an epidural with him after I couldn't stand the pain any longer. I was in labor with him 11 hours and pushed for an hour (I didn't want to have a C-section if I could keep from it). I had a good experience with the epidural (it took the first time, didn't hurt, I couldn't feel the pain after, etc.), but it did take a while to get feeling back, I had some numbness and pain in my lower back for months following my son's birth, etc. But, all in all, it was a good experience (or so I thought until I had my daughter).

I did not want to induce again with my daugther and just let her come in her own time (she was born 5 days before her due date) and completely naturally. I had planned on getting another epidural with her, but did not end up being able to have one. Yes, I had her completely naturally with absolutely no drugs (something I never thought I would do). I had her in less than 2 hours from my first contraction (less than 40 minutes after I got to the hospital) and pushed twice. It was painful, but I felt great the second after I had her! All in all (even with the pain), I think her delivery was much better as a whole.

That's just my opinion after doing it both ways (even if not by choice). ;) Best of luck to you ... and remember that this is just the first of a million decisions that you have to make based on what you want and not what others think you should do! ;) I wish you a very happy, healthy, safe and quick delivery! Good luck!



answers from Nashville on

As you can see everyone has different stories-- and moms who have had more than one have different experiences each time. Personally, I had a midwife and went to classes, read books, watched videos, had my birth plan, etc.... My first was 10 days overdue and I was induced. The contractions never really bothered me all that much until they broke my water, about 24 hours after the induction. I had every intention of going natural but I hadn't eaten in close to 36 hours, I was tired and I wanted it to be done! The nurse offered to give me something in my IV and I took her up on the offer (possibly demerol?) two hours later I was getting a spinal (not epideral) and having a c-section--I never dialated past 4. Second baby, I scheduled the c-section and had an epidermal without any side effects although I was terrified to get it done. I kept joking that they were going to have to give me valium to calm me down enough to give the epidermal LOL!
The way I look at it is either way; with or without drugs, the end result is the same. You have a beautiful baby that you get to love the rest of your life. Does it really matter if you wanted or needed pain killers? Go ahead and fill out the paperwork you need to have one if you decide you need it just so everything is in order. Plan how you want to do things but don't feel bad if things don't go exactly as you hoped........Parenthood is an exciting, unpredictable journey starting with pregnancy and delivery-- go with the flow and enjoy every minute of it!
Good luck!



answers from Little Rock on

GET THE EPIDURAL! No need to suffer!!!



answers from Chattanooga on

Have the epidural!!!! I HATE pain and was scared to death of giving birth. The worst part of labor for me was 2-fold. (1) when they do the physical exam to see how dilated you are and (2) the epidural itself. Mostly because I did not know what to expect. However, once the epidural was in, I didn't feel a thing. Having my daughter was the easiest thing I've ever done (with the epidural, of course). I had harder math tests in school. :) I recommend it. Good luck and congratulations!



answers from Alexandria on

I have had 2 children vaginally. I am 21. Like some pervious advice I would say go in with an open mind. You do have the time to decide. Many dr's will not give you epi until you are about 5cms dialated. SO during the time you go into or are induced until your doc okays the option for an epi you will have a good feel for the pain threshhold you'll have. I had one with both of my children, and by the time I was 5 cm's I was SO READY for it! And usually I do well with pain. I am sure you know that being induced produces stronger more painful contractions (I wasn't but my sister and some friends were)
Let me just tell you that it won't matter whether or not you have one, besides being as comfortable as possible. Nobody has to play superwoman during labor and delivery, it doesn't pay. You might think by not having one, you are doing things the "right" way - but I don't think there is a "right" way to have a baby. All that matters is that the baby is healthy and you are too.
And as far as the birthing process being as natural as the conception, that you said.....many women undergo invitro, take hormones, or have surrogates...so....like I said all that matters is the health and happiness. Now a days there are a lot of women that experience nothing natural about having a child. (being induced isn't natural either)
So just relax you'll decide when the time comes.
All I can tell you is that it made the process easier for me- after all why should you suffer so badly during one of the most important days of your and you childs life. And before I end this I'll tell you one more thing, it is a lot easier to remember the details of the event when you are not in excruciating pain, you'll smile about those moments later. And there's always Nubane or diff drugs to control pain - but nothing offers the relief that an epi does!
Congrats!!!! And be for warned, giving birth is the easy part! It's raising them that's the hard part!
Good luck and God bless!


answers from Nashville on

Birth is a wonderful, empowering experience when encountered with the right information, support, attitude and atmosphere.
I would HIGHLY recommend hiring a doula, who is your birth support person. This person will be educated in coaching and support and will help you and your partner have a less stressful birthing experience. Also, talk to your hospital about not being put on IV's and constant fetal monitering unless necessitated by a high risk situation. Free movement goes a long way in natural childbirth. However, you can do it with these in place, I had to, but I was allowed to move about while staying hooked up. Having a progressive OB or a midwife also helps, as doctors can tend to not trust the natural process as much as their interventions, which include inductions, epidurals and C-sections. A doula will come in handy here too, as she will be a buffer for you.
Finally, start practicing your meditation now. Labor is an intense physical and mental strain, and your body and mind must be prepared if you want to make it through without medication. A couple of books I read that helped me prepare were: Natural Childbirth;The Bradley Way, and Active Birth. My midwife combined the theories of these two books to prepare me. As opposed to Lamaze, which teaches you to distract yourself from the pain(which, in my experience, would have been impossible), this method teaches instead an intense focus on the contractions and visualization. The other midwives in the hospital said that I looked hypnotized during my labor, and I think I must have been. I was in a whole other world. I still felt the pain, but by tapping into the power of the contractions instead of running from them, I came through and accomplished the birth without any pain medication. It wasn't easy, but because it was what I wanted it was SO worth it. Don't be afraid to go for it if it is what you truly want. You can do it! Feel free to message me for anything. Good luck and congratulations!



answers from Nashville on

Having a drug free birth (with a midwife) is the best thing I've ever done. Yes it may be THE most painful thing you've ever done (or not-some women luck out) but, the clarity and alertness of you and your baby afterword will be worth it. Even though I prepared (classes, yoga, meditation etc.) I still was not prepared for how long a labor can last,and how painful it can be, but keep telling yourself, " It WILL end sooner or later" so you can do it! I remember saying when it was over, "I've climbed my Everest.." I am sooo proud we did it this way. I learned alot about myself too (how we can be so vulnerable and so strong at the same time). But of course, it's a personal choice... Good luck!



answers from Fayetteville on

My baby is 6 months but my labor is still pretty fresh in my mind. I went 30 hours drug free(I had problems but most labors are not that long so dont be scared). My point is that its not that bad. And I had some braxton like you are talking about and those are very similar to what you are going to feel. The most important thing to remember and have people remind you of in the moment is that each contraction just lasts for a few seconds and then you feel fine. Its totally doable. Walk, move around, try the jacuzzi or shower if they will let you- the water really helped me.

My advice would be to consider having a doula with you and if you cant do that think about having a woman with you who has had natural child birth and can coach you through it. If you try it and feel like you cant do it then you can always get an epidural which you still can have pain with and lingering side effects. Neither option is pain free.
Good luck-



answers from Lafayette on

Their is nothing wrong with having an epidural it does not take away anything from your birthing experience except the pain. If you really want to try to experience birth without any pain meds I say go for it. With the epidural you will experience numbness from your waist down you will feel some amount of presure or tightness but no pain. But you really need to focus on pushing in the right area due to no feeling. Remember you can have an epidural at almost anytime, but not when she is ready to be born. And if you go with no meds you should have some type of lamaze beathing and focusing is the trick to it all. Hope this helps you alittle.



answers from Shreveport on

I had one. I am happy I did because I was fully dilated with contractions for for seven hours before I started to push. Then I pushed for another four hours. That would have been way too long for me, personally, to have to deal with the contractions for that long. Some of my friends only had to push for an hour or so... so maybe it's different in that situation.

I could still feel the contractions, but it definitely took the edge off.



answers from Stationed Overseas on

I had an epidural with both my children. I can't speak for the amount of pain without one, but I do know my pain nearly ended as soon as I got the epidural. I think I enjoyed the experience more because I was able to breathe and talk and even smile!! I remember thinking I was going to die until I got it, but of course, I'm a wimp!~ I had a friend who had the epidural with one and nothing with the other. She says she's glad she had the natural birth because it seemed more natural and special... but really every woman is different. It's an individual decision. Good luck whatever you decide!



answers from Pine Bluff on

Hi J.,
I am a mother of four and I had an epidural with my middle child and my twins. I was not able to with my first one. But It helps you be able to talk and be aware of others around you. I went through a birth without one and two with. I would go with one again today if I needed to. To me that wast the best way to go. It is a time of joy, so it don't have to be a source of pain. Good luck with the birth of you new baby!



answers from Nashville on

Congratulations J.! I was 19 when i had my daughter and i was induced. I tried to hold out but in the end i ended up having the epidural because i just could not endure it any longer. I was terrified of labor but i think even more terrified of the epidural itself. It really was nothing like what i imagined though, A few minutes after i had it, the pain went away and the rest of the labor and delivery was a piece of cake! I think it is awesome for a woman to be able to give birth naturally but the epidural is an awesome little pain reliever too! :) Good luck and again congratulations!



answers from Texarkana on

Congradulations on your new baby daughter!

I wanted to respond to your letter because I had 5 children and the only epidural that I ever had was with my last child. IT WAS PURE HEAVEN! With my first child, I was given "twilight sleep", with the second and third children, I was in labor for 24 hours(dry births) and it was terrible. They didn't have epidurals then. With the fourth child I had an easy natural birth-the epidurals had some out by then but they didn't have time to give me one. With the fifth child, I had the epidural and I can tell you-there is nothing greater-I wish that they had been invented from the begining of time.

I am sure that you can(you can ask our Dr about this)see if you need the epidural during the latter part of delivery. If you want it, they can still give it to you. I think I was dialted about 7 before they gave me mine.

You might want to be aware that sometimes-and this happened in my case-that you might shake(as if you are cold) a lot after they give it to you. It doesn't happen to everyone. I was scared because I didn't know what was happening but found out that my sister also did the same thing with hers. The Dr said that it was normal. It stopped as soon as the epideral wore off. It did not affect my son at all.

I was numb from my waist down and could move my legs but couldn't feel them. I was laughing at this while I was in the last stages of lavbr. When the Dr told me to push, I had to imagine that I was pushing because I couldn't feel anything.It was wonderful. My son is 20 years old today.



answers from Montgomery on

I am with you about the natural birth thing. I had both natural and epidural. If you really want to do it naturally go ahead. It is not a constant pain and you get a break in between. By the time it got unbareable it was time to push the baby out. I would not of changed the experience for nothing. Remember our bodies wre designed for this and people long ago did it all of the time. We are made no different.

Denise S.



answers from Memphis on

If you're induced, spare yourself the pain. If the labor is pharmeceutical-free, try going without the epidural. My first three had epidurals and the fourth was too late. I had pitocin for all four.



answers from Clarksville on

I did have an epidural but it didn't work like it was supposed to. The guy giving it accidentally hit a nerve and it jerked my leg, and the needle went through something it wasn't supposed to. I'm okay, thankfully...but they had to redo it...and it still didn't work.

I was still able to lift myself up with my legs and all that. And, IMMEDIATELY after (like 15 minutes), I was able to walk to my own room...unassisted.

I don't know if I'll opt for epidural again. Mine got messed up and I know that isn't nec. normal...but I know it can happen. You can also get things like morpheine and stadol...and if I could take morpheine, I'd probably go that route. But, I'm allergic so no dice.

If you think you may want to go natural, you should definitely try! It WILL hurt. Don't kid yourself that it won't...but you can handle it...if you want to handle it, that is (med free).



answers from Little Rock on

Everyone basicly said what I was going to say! Yes have an Epidural!!!! I had 4 kids and every last one of them I had an Epidural, I dont think I wouldve made it with out one!!Good Luck and Congrats! J. F.



answers from Nashville on

Hi J.,

I am 40, have two beautiful children and I highly recommend an epidural. I was in labor with my son for 24 hours and there is no way I would have made it through without one. Even with it - by the end I was totally exhausted and they slowed the epidural so that I could feel my pushing and even dulled that was some intense pain. I had a c-section with my daughter so I had to have a second epidural.

I say don't be a hero - if you can stand the pain I applaud you but when you can't take anymore go for the epi - you won't regret it.



answers from Memphis on

Well, all I can offer is my own experience... I had one, but it was to no avail when they induced me I was in so much pain it did not matter... good luck sweetie.

Try to be more prepared than afraid. I do not want to scare you but you should know that there are lots of things that can happen... I went into labor, contractions every 5 minutes on a Monday, went to the hospital and they sent me home, this continued... that Thursday my husband took me to the doctor's office, but again I was still not dialating and I was barely at 37 weeks so they wanted me to hang on... Friday morning my water broke and by then I was so exhausted and in so much pain that I do not remember going to the hospital again, but after I got there thay gave me pain meds and I slept for a while (thank God) then they finally induced me and several hours later I delivered... I had back labor and my baby came out face up... It's all a blur to me now 19 months later...

All I can say is that my baby is perfect in every way and in the end that is all that matters.



answers from Fort Smith on

Well, I can just tell you that I had my first child when I was 18. I swore that I would not use drugs because I didn't want the baby to be affected. I made it through the labor, and it was worth it! I had my second child almost six years later, and again, did not want to use drugs. I made it through that one, too. I figured if women could do it without drugs in the old days, I could do it! I didn't have to worry about the drugs affecting my babies or me, which was a relief. I was induced both times, which people say makes the contractions worse, but still, the thought of holding my babies in my arms helped me through the pain. My babies are now 15 and 9, and I can honestly tell them about the pain I went through for them (even if they don't want to hear about it)!! :)

In the end, it's your decision, but I thought I would give you my opinion.

Congratulations on your baby girl! Cherish every moment because they grow up too fast!



answers from Baton Rouge on

Everyone has a different tolerance for pain, and your panic level should be considered. You are receiving the epidural, not your baby. You should talk to your doctor before you make any decisions. Depending on the amount of complications that you are at risk for during your delivery should be a factor. Once you past a certain point you can’t change your mind and get the epidural.
I had two kids; with both of them I had an epidural. I felt everything and I do mean everything, the epidural didn’t work the first time or the second time either. The nurse didn’t believe me because I wasn’t screaming, however when she did the pinch poke test her eyes like to have fell out of her head. The epidural for me only eased some of the contractions. Braxton-Hicks contractions didn’t hurt me at all. For my first child my water broke and I was in labor for 23 hours. For my second child I was 4 cm dilated when I got to the hospital and he was born with in the hours.
Usually your first labor is longer so this may also affect your decision on receiving an epidural. I encourage you to make a list of questions for your doctor and value his medical opinion, he can help you decide what is best for you and your child.
After having my fist child I stayed in the hospital for a week, during that time they gave me pain medicine, which by the way didn’t work. That was the only pain medicine I ever took, they sent me home with some but it didn’t work, so I didn’t take it. For my second child I didn’t take the pain medicine at all. I breast-fed both of them.
By the way both times I had back labor.



answers from Chattanooga on

Well leet me ease your mind some. I had some bad Braxton-Hicks in my lower back that I didn't experience at all during the actual labor. Also my labor was induced and I didn't get an epidural. I moaned lots...which helps to focus your breathing and the pain. At one point they did give me Stadol in my IV to help ease the worst part. It didn't affect me, the baby, or the delivery. I was able to still use gravity to help my baby turn and to finish dialating.

I don't like pain, but I made it through without an epidural and I'm thankful that I did. I was able to control when I pushed and also able to get up to use the potty right before I began active labor, which helped me completely dialate and turn my little boy into the right position for delivery.

Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it or that it's too hard. Know yourself and trust yourself. If you reach a point and you think you need an epidural, than go for it. Do what's best for you and your baby. If you want to go natural find a doula. I had a doula and she was a terrific help. She helped me stay focused and keep my mind off the contractions. She massaged me and comforted me through the process. What helped me through the worst pain was focusing my mind on Christ and telling myself that what I was experiencing was temporary and perfectly natural.

Good luck! And make the choice that's best for you.



answers from Nashville on

OK...I guess that I am the only one that had a painful epi?
I wasn't expecting it cause I had never heard of them being that painful..so I must be an exception..I think my threshold for pain is about average. I was induced at 37 weeks and when my water broke almost 24hrs after the induction started ...I dilated to 9 very quickly and started having contractions that were "bearable" they never got unbearable but I had planned on getting an epi so whe they came in to do it I said ok. I don't know what happened...but it hurt all the way down..especially one leg..I don't remember feeling the poke..just the traveling pain.which terrified me cause I was scared to move or be paralized. He did have to poke me twice too...same pain both times. Like I said..I am the exception. It took very well...one more contraction then NO more pain...I delivered in less then an hr...had no pain afterwards either..if I had a another child...I'm 46..my son is 6..I would get another epi..hoping that was a fluke. But the epi was the most pain I had experienced..the thought of natural sounds great....but I don't know if I could carry it out..unless I had too.



answers from Alexandria on

I had one and there not that bad and they don't hurt. I've known a lot of poeple that have been induced and they say it's not good. I would recommend one. I had on but I had to have a c-section to and they will want to give you one if you have to have one to. But it's really just up to you and you hubby as to what you really want to have. So good luck and best wishes.



answers from Shreveport on

HAVE ONE!!!!! You never know what will happen and just how much pain you are going to be in. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! I had my 1st baby 8 months ago and my labor didn’t go the way you read about. My contractions started about 4 minutes apart by the time I got to the hospital (20 minute drive) they were 1 minute apart and it was PAINFUL. I was passing out every minute in between contractions. I was in labor for only 3 hours but it felt like forever until I got that epidural. If I were you I would plan on having one and if you feel you don’t want it when you are in labor you can always change your mind. Good luck and Congratulations!

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