I had an epidural with both of mines. Everyones' experience is different so I can only tell you about mine. The holding still was a little uncomfortable but nothing like the pain relief that it brings you, so that was okay. You do need someone with you to coach you to keep breathing during this time and to try to help you stay still because you have to bend forward and try to arch your back out as much as possible so they can get to the right spot. I really did not feel a needle going in either time.
The first one that I got, 6 years ago, they inserted the needle with the numbing agent and that was that. When I had my other son a year ago, they stuck the needle to insert a tube and kept the tube in with tape or something during the whole labor. I was able to dose myself when I felt pain but there is a max out that you can dose yourself, so you don't overdose. They took it out after the baby was born and the area was pretty sore when I got the feeling back.
If I had to do it all over again, I would not have gotten the second epidural. Since you have always had natural births, I would say you could go through this one more time. It took this last epidural about 6 months to totally wear off and I still have some back and left leg discomfort sometimes that I never had before. I attribute it to the epidural because it feels like a nerve is aching. I am going to start physical therapy in a couple of weeks to see if that can help. My sister in law and a teacher at my son's preschool said that they went through this same thing, and my son's preschool teacher said that it took about a year for her side effects to go away.
One more note, the epidural will not take away the pain once the baby gets into the birth canal. My first time I was under the misconception that it would, so I thought it was wearing off or not working but that was not the case. Like I said at the beginning, everyone has different experiences but if you did it 4 times without the epidural, I would say continue to do that, and if you do decide to have an epidural, your experience could be totally different from mine. It could be just like my first experience, smooth. Hope this helps and does not confuse but that is my 2 cents.