Hi- I have the same problem. It would be nice if they could just sleep that extra time and then be up. I have tried letting mine cry it out. If I do he is usually back asleep in less than a minute, but not always. Also if I give him a bottle he will drink some and fall back asleep. Though I know that is not really recomended since it can rot their teeth. I think a lot of it is habit. When he first started doing this we would pick him up and sit in the recliner with him while he had a bottle. Then me or my husband would often fall asleep with him. (Though it was kind of nice to have that quiet time together!) But I think he got used to waking up, having a bottle then going back to sleep. Maybe try picking something for a week. If it doesn't work try something else for a week. Hopefully you can change this habit. Probably wasn't much help but just wanted to give you my experience.
Good luck!!