Twice. When the space shuttle blew up with the teachers on board, I had a dream that I heard on the radio that it blew up but the DJ's were joking and making fun about it. I thought that they were inappropriate and they shouldn't be laughing about it. (I was a sophomore in HS.) When it happened, I heard it on the radio and they had a moment of silence.
Then I had a dream that my hubby died. My step-dad ran out to the street to tell me what happened, a black dog had just got hit by a car and I was praying that it was the dog who got killed and not my hubby, we all met at the house by my mom's house that used to be my grandparents house but was now a rental that my mom rented. my husband's brothers were adults and were at the house but when I had the dream, they were little kids. The rental house was remodeled. I was concerned because my brother-in-laws were adults in my dream. It came true but it was my sister who was killed. My step-dad was trying to turn into the drive way but we were all at my sister's house (who moved into my grandparents old house and remodeled it) and we were blocking the driveway. I had to run out to his car and tell him what happened (in my dream it was him running to me.) My husband's brothers were adults and my sister's house was remodeled exactly like my dream. My mom got my sister's dog and the day of the funeral, it ran out in the street and was killed... it was a black dog. This happened 14 years after I had the dream. My brother in laws weren't at my sister's house but came to the funeral. Weird. I talked about this dream when I went to grief support group and found this happened to others too.