At the moment, they are not going to recognize you. It's just the way it is. And you wouldn't want them to do it just because you asked them to.
They do love you and appreciate you, they just don't understand the importance of expressing that.
I am not a big "Dr. Phil" fan, but he does say something that finally hit home to me. He says "You teach others how to treat you." In other words, they are going to treat you according to what you accept from them, and how you feel you deserve to be treated.
To change things, you will have to start changing yourself.
Change how you feel about yourself. You are a great person ! and you are deserving of respect. Be sure that you don't allow disrespect. When it happens, you stop them right there and correct it. Even the small things, like, "I am going to the shower right now. This is MY private time. There will be NO knocking on the door, whining through the door, etc.
Unless the house is burning down, it can WAIT until I have opened that door. Then enforce it, even with punishment and reward if necessary.
Have a private talk with your husband about how the respect has slowly left your relationship. Don't whine or be accusing toward him. But do be specific about what bothers you as well as what you would like changed. Then show him how the kids are looking to him for their clues about how you should be treated.
Next, MAKE time for yourself ! Treat yourself ! Shopping, movies, reading time, whatever helps you to feel like you are loving and appreciating yourself.
And the most important of all ... surround yourself with other loving FEMALE relationships. Girlfriends, sisters ..... don't neglect regular time with the girls. They will do more for your self esteem and lifting your spirits than you can imagine. Our girl friend relationships are as vital to us (as women) as the air we breathe. We are just designed that way.
As you start appreciating and respecting yourself, this will show, and others will treat you as you deserve to be treated.
I waited way too late in life to discover this, but I HAVE learned it now. I am finding my way back, and winning, and I know you can do it too !!