It looks like you have a lot of mixed answers on this one. I think you are either dog people or you arent. My son is 2 1/2 and goes to an inhome daycare and she has a dog. He is a smaller dog but is great with the kids. He isn't around them all day long but at times he is and there is no problem. I have no problem sending my child to a daycare with pets. I think pets are great for kids and adults. We have a rott/german shepard mix and he is great with my son to. I think as long as you have a place for the dog to be so its not running around the house with the kids all day that it is fine. Talk to the parents of the kids you have and see how they feel about it because it is thier opinion that matters to. I would say get the dog though. There will always be people that are ok with it and people that arent. You cant make everyone happy.