3 year olds often don't make friends easily. and are often hyper.
why are the neighborhood kids allowed to tease a little girl barely out of toddlerhood? or conversely, are you over-hyping the normal rough ribbing that goes on in wolfpacks? not enough information.
3 year olds do not have a developed sense of truth and 'fibbing.' she needs help in differentiating, and she doesn't need to be punished for doing something she doesn't understand. i suggest learning more about childhood development.
i hate loud noises. lots of us do.
if this is real, i'm worried about the little girl. you seem to have a pretty nebulous idea of what's within the normal range for 3 year olds, and the range is pretty wide. it's also a fact that modern parenting seems to involve a worrisome tendency to look for 'behavioral issues' in every tantrum, pout and daydream.