No, I hate crying. Nose runs. Eyes are bleary and swollen. My face is red and puffy. It's awful. And splashing cold water and washing my face, blowing my nose, etc... doesn't make it go away. It takes HOURS. Sometimes until the next day, until I can't see the effects anymore.
BUT, it is very emotionally cleansing.
I don't cry often, or over little things. I really have only cried a few times in my adult life. A few big fights with my husband (I could count on one hand probably, after 16 years or marriage, 18 years together), when my grandmother (mom's side) passed, and when we went through a terrible week 2 years ago thinking our beloved dog was suffering and would have to be put down (she was having cluster seizures).
Crying is cathartic. But I wouldn't want to do it every day. Once every year or two seems to work ok for me. And I only want to cry at night, when I know I won't have to go anywhere or be seen by anybody.