Because of your location you will get a lot of responses for Womens and Babies Hospital in Lancaster, they are a part of Lancaster General Hospital. I personally, through friends, found it to be too large and impersonal. May Grant Associates is a huge OB/GYN and they are affiliated with Womens and Babies it is a large practice. I know a lot of friends that loved it there. I delivered at Ephrata Community Hospital. Though their ER is absolutely terrible, Ephrata OB/GYN was absolutely the best place for us. The Dr's and midwives were awesome and their delivery rooms and Labor and Delivery floor is not as large as Womens and Babies but just as good if not better (my opinion). I found it to be more personal and I didn't feel like a number that was just there until the next one came along. The nurses and Dr's were incredible to both me and my husband and most importantly to my son.
Good luck!