Oh, HELL NO! The parents have a contract with the HS, they are obligated to pay the tuition. And apparently, they have saved for her college education, so if it is in her name, it's her $. She can use that $ to pay for her college education. But to give her anything more, beyond what they have saved for her, no way! This girl...spoiled, entitled brat!
When did it become mandatory that every parent has to pay for their child's college education? To go into more debt, to co-sign or take out loans for kids who don't even know the worth of the sacrifice their parents are making?
I know of many people who took out 2nds on their mortgages to pay for the kid's college tuition, cars, etc & then the kids either partied through school, had low grades during school or dropped out because it was too hard. The debt still needs to be repaid. I know of families who lost homes, because when the market crashed, they were upside down on their mortgages & were swimming in debt. Oh, BTW, most of these kids came home to live with Mommy & Daddy because they couldn't find jobs that "paid them what they thought they were worth".
Sorry, but if a kid says I'm 18, I can do what I want, I say there's the door. My oldest is 17 & will graduate in June. She is COMPLETELY clear that her future is HER future, not ours. We love her with all of our hearts, but if she wants to thrive in life, with our "safety net" in place, she WILL follow our rules. Or she can move out at 18. Yes, that is harsh. But the only way she will understand, value & feel pride in her accomplishments, are for her to WORK HARD & struggle a little bit. People who are handed everything don't appreciate it. Struggling builds character!
We don't have unrealistic rules or expectations of our girls. For the most part, they have rarely brought home any friends that we couldn't stand. And the one kid I can think of that I really disliked (I hid my dislike & just waited it out)--that friendship crashed & burned, because the kid was bad news. My daughter learned a valuable lesson in picking friends & I never had to say anything, but hold her when she cried about it. I think that is too controlling--to pick my child's friends or love-interest. Frankly, the way to learn about yourself, who you want to be, who you want to be around, is to meet & talk with a variety of different people.
As long as our girls are following our house rules, going to school or work, contributing to our household's well being, being respectful to us & her sisters, she can live with us. If not, hit the road, Jack. Of course, curfew & such would be adjusted to each kids needs. But to treat a 18 yr as an adult, just because she's 18? Get real! Adults pay their own way, for ALL things--car, insurance, rent, food, tuition, clothes, cell, etc. CHILDREN expect to be given everything. The goal of parenting, IMO is to raise my girls into Adulthood.