Do You Believe in the Paranormal???

Updated on February 11, 2011
A.M. asks from Rice Lake, WI
28 answers

Ok ladies keep an open mind I don't really know what to think about this. Little history, my step mom passed away it will be 2yrs ago in May. It was a month before my daughters first birthday so the only way my daughter knows her is by pictures and that we call her Grandpa TeTe. I go over to my dad's house every week and clean the house for him and the kids. Today my daughter, she'll be 3 in June went to clean the house. We were there alone and my DD was playing in my sisters closet, large walk in closet filled with toys, my sister is only 7. I was downstairs cleaning when my DD came down the stairs and told me that Spencer's mom was upstairs, Spencer is my brother's name. I have never ever referred to my SM as Spencer's mom, everyone calls her Grandma when my daughter looks at her pictures. Anyways so my DD wanted me to come upstairs with her to see Spencer's mom and she led me up to the closest where there are no pictures of my SM. My DD looked around and said "she gone mommy" she looked around "where go?" I had goosebumps! There is no way my daughter would have known to call her that. So I showed my DD a pic of my SM and said you saw her, she said yes Spencer's mom, I told her that she was Grandma TeTe and she said oh yes Grandma TeTe. What do you think???

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So What Happened?

Thanks for everyone who has responded so far! Another thing to add, I went to see a medium after my SM passed and she said she was able to contact my SM. So today when I was at the house I said aloud "If your here give me a sign I want to believe." I got nothing, so I e-mailed the medium and told her what happened with my daughter but didn't say anything about me trying to talk to her. She e-mailed me back and said that my daughter had seen my SM today and that she saw my SM bending over slightly sending her love and she wanted to tell me to "believe" I didn't tell the medium that I had said I want to believe, is that crazy or what!!!

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answers from Philadelphia on

I absolutely believe it. I also believe kids can accept them and see them easier than we as adults. I think that's super!!!

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answers from Raleigh on

My grandmother passed away in August. She was so special to me b/my father passed away when I was 4 and she always had special stories about him. I was with her as she took her last breath. My son who is 2.5 was asleep at the time b/c it happened early in the morning. After he woke up I took him to a park b/c I didn't think it was appropriate for him to be there when the funeral home came to remove the body. It was very early in the morning and we were alone. He was running around and I was crying and sort of talking out loud to my grandma. I don't typically "believe" but I was asking for a sign that she was okay and that she was with my dad. As soon as I said that my son pointed and said there's a girl over there. We were still alone at the park. He said she's coming to see us. I asked him where and he pointed at a specific spot and said over there she's coming to see us. I still don't know what he saw but it was extremely comforting to me. I choose to believe b/c it makes me happy.

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answers from Kansas City on

I never used to believe, but I have heard too many stories from reputable people to think otherwise.

A little girl lives in the home that my husbands father died in and she says a man will come visit her at night and her description of the man fits my husbands father. I have heard many eary stories and this story is the least eary story I have heard. I think kids see more than adults because we tend to be more closed minded as we get older and kids just don't know yet what they believe.

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answers from Appleton on

I am a psychic/medium so I definately believe she saw her. I feel and hear spirits, my kids can see them. Has your dad or your younger siblings ever said anything about seeing her or hearing her around the house? Do things seem to move on their own? Or someone walking around upstairs or coming down the steps when everyone is sitting in the same room? Several years ago we were living in an apartment and I was making dinner, my can opener was on the table and I turned around to do something turned around again to pick up the can opener and it was gone. The kids and I looked all over the kitchen it was just gone. A couple of minutes later there it was back on the table.
Pick up some of her favorite flowers and place them in her room or as a centerpeice on the table. Say something like 'thanks Mom for watching over us'. See what happens. You could also have a voice recorder, you may pick up her voice.
There are many stories of Moms who crossed coming back to take care of their family. It sounds as though she passed as a young woman and had small children and grandchildren. I think she was so stressed at not being able to nurture and raise her children or see her grandchildren grow up has caused her to spiritually stay with her family. You can lovingly send her spirit into the light if you wish. If you decide not to send her into the light now please do so at a later date.
PM me if you would like some more ideas.

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answers from Dallas on

She def saw her! It takes a lot of energy for a spirit to show themselves or make contact and they normally do this with children bc it's easy for a child to see someone and believe they are there. Unlike adults who would show fear, run away, or just think they imagined it. Children just see something and believe it, why would they question it they know no difference. I grew up in a house that was built in 1920. In 1923 a tornado came thru our town and wiped out almost everything. When we first moved there I was 9 and I would have nightmares about dead people in the basement and a secret door under the stairs that took you to the basement. After looking we realized that a wall panel in the closet under the stairs could be removed and led you to the basement which we didn't even know we had. I would always see a boy and could describe him so clear to my parents. A couple of years later our neighbor came over for a yard sale and said that every night they see a boy walking around our house, they described him and it was the same boy I had been seeing and hearing. We lived there for 7 years so I have too many stories and experiences from that place. I think the "gift" was passed to my son. When he was a baby he would stare at a corner of the room and make faces. When he was a little older he would point to the corner and then laugh. I even asked him once who he was looking at and what did they look like, he opened his eyes big and made his mouth into an "O" shape and then started laughing. He would say look theyre flyin in the sky. Once when he was young and just learned how to wave if someone waved at him we were passing a cemetary. He leaned his head toward the window and started waving and saying byebye. I looked at my hubby and said thats weird! Then we turned the corner and could see that a funeral was taking place! Creepy!!

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answers from Anchorage on

Kids see things we don't. But it sounds like she was in no danger so I would not worry about it. My son used to carry on full conversations with "someone", still not sure who it was.

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answers from Bismarck on

Oh yes, definitely..she saw wouldn't believe the things that have happened and are still happening around our place after my mom passed away 25 years ago. My daughter who was 2 1/2 at the time of grandma's passing, saw her grandma the day of the funeral standing in the kitchen and said, "There's grandma." We didn't see her but DD did. There are many signs of your SM being around if you know what to look for and one of these are pennies or coins laying around randomly and you know you didn't leave them there. We have that a lot here! Also of course, they visit in dreams, they play with electricity to let you know they are mom does that! They can physically touch you which my brother-in-law has done. I have lots of stories of things that happen here. My daughter is now married and she seems to be a ghost magnet as she is visited quite often by them, now including her dead father-in-law! I think our baby grandson (2 yrs) has seen the passed grandpa and talks to him! So yes, believe!

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answers from Duluth on

i am so sorry for the loss of your stepmom.

i do believe in the paranormal per say, but i KNOW that they are not what they seem to be.
the Bible (if you are the sort that reads/believes in the Bible) never indicates that people are alive after they die; death is always equated with sleep, or rest, or something, and the dead will rise at the 2nd coming of Christ. so based on that (and using logic; what kind of heaven would it be if our loved ones had to watch this world, and their loved ones, suffer? etc... how could they rise if they are already in heaven, etc) i know the dead are dead, and not living, watching us, or anything of the sort.

i also know that satan runs this world. this is his planet. sure, maybe someone whos died only told you certain things, but im guaranteeing that the devil heard it too, and he will use that against you, to fool you into believing in his little demons secrets and appearances.

anyway, my response is a little unorthodox, and probably something you've never heard before, but i have really strong reasons for feeling this way, and, again, if you are the Bible sort, you could check this publication for more information. there are also other publications on this same site on the topic of death, or other topics for that matter. they usually arent very long, so its worth taking the time to read them.

if you arent the Bible sort, then i would just say to be cautions of reading too much into this, these sorts of things do happen, but i think a lot of times our imaginations or something run away with us. how this affects your little girl, i dont know, but some things are just mysterious. you dont have to have an answer, you just have to make sure that you do the best you can do to not dwell too much on it.
either way, its nothing to be scared of, what i would be scared of is falling into the trap of believing in a demon.... and scary stuff happening because of it.

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answers from Sioux City on

I think it is quite possible that she did see her. Maybe she's just checking up on your daughter and obviously means no harm. :)



answers from Rapid City on

I, too, believe that your daughter had seen her. My granddaughter was only a year old when her grandfather passed away. She would play with him and say hi to him when they would go stay with her grandmother. We lost my son, her daddy, in June and she has told me that daddy talks to her when she is sleeping and the house is all quiet. She is 4 now.

My granddaughter always has talked about seeing ghosts places. She insisted we had one at our house. She said he was 4 and I told her that she should tell him that no ghosts are allowed at grandma's house. She did and I asked if he left. She said "no, he is crying" I asked why and she said "because he is sad" I said "oh does he need a hug?" She said "yes" So I said to go give him a hug. Her eyes grew really big and she said "NOOO" So I told her to tell him to go to the light. She told him and lead him by his hand out the door and pointed to the street light (that is the light she thought I meant). We never heard about ghosts in our house after that. Now for the strange part. There was a family of 7 who passed away in our house when there furnace let off carbon minoxide. The kids ages were 4, 3, 2 and 8 mo old twins.

Check out the books from Janis Amatuzio, MD. She is a forensic pathologiest who wrote books about this very subject. How loved ones come to dying patients. My granddaughter's doctor told me, when we mentioned her seeing her late grandfather, that it happens a lot with children and we should believe it.



answers from Atlanta on

Absolutely. So, the question is: how did your DD feel? Was she scared or was your SM friendly and loving? And did she say anything?



answers from Kansas City on

I think it's possible. My Grandma's house has a ghost we call Charlie. When my cousin was little she and my uncle were downstairs playing on the pool table when she pointed behind him and said "uncle T, who is that man?" He totally freaked and wouldnt look, because he knew there was no one else in the house.


answers from Spokane on

I think it's definitely possible. And since it is someone that was a close relative I wouldn't think there's any reason to fear as long as things continue to seem harmless. I would ask your relatives still living there about it and see what they have to say. If there's cause for concern you can always call Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, they are the best! Good luck and try not to be freaked out. Like someone else mentioned, if she's there, she's probably just looking out for you guys.

*Great question btw!



answers from Sheboygan on

Your post brought tears to my eyes. I've heard stories over the years but didn't know whether to believe them or not. But then it happened to me. Both times I was with my son (he was a baby then). The first time it seemed so real but I tried to tell myself I was just overly tired and stressed. The second time was harder to ignore. As my son got older (he is 6 now) he started talking about somebody talking to him or someone being in his room with him. I believe it is the same "person" I've had encounters with. The first couple times my son was scared. I told him this "person" is his gaurdian angel. That seems to help him cope with it. My son has had a lot of medical problems and this "person" seems to be genuinely concerned about him. So yes, I do believe it is possible that your mother payed your daughter a visit.



answers from Charlotte on

I havnt had any personal experience but my granddaughter is hyperaware. She can walk into a home and feel the general presence of anything thats there, has been able to since she wa syoung from what my daughter told me. She also have dreams of the future, my daughter called me crying on 9/11/01 because about a month before that my granddaughter had crawled into bed crying, when she asked why she said that my granddaughter replied "Why would they crash airplanes into the buildings mommy? they were tall and pretty" freaked us all out
at this point you have 2 options
1. tell your daughter its fake, and hope she grows out of it (I wish my daughter had done this)
2. Encourage her to hone her "talent"



answers from Minneapolis on

I do!

Even before my cousin's son told my Aunt "oh, that's the lady that comes and talks to me" ... and pointed to a picture of my deceased Grandmother (his great grandmother who he had never met)!! I love this kind of stuff....


answers from Nashville on

that gave me goosebumps reading this. I def. believe there are gohst. I didnt believe as much until i stayed at my friends house and shes like we have gohst and her mom told me that they did to and i was like okay whatever. Well lets just say i believed them and was so scared. So i do believe she seen her and they say kids can see gohsts more than adults can. Just know she is there looking after everybody.



answers from Chicago on

Definitely true!

My SD's stepdad passed away last year. A few days after his death I was sitting in my room and I got the picture of him and my stepdaughter playing Wii together and the message that he wanted her to remember him and the good times.

So I told her that her stepdad wanted her to remember the good times and she said "yes, I know. He wants me to remember us playing Rockband on Wii. It was fun!"

I didn't know HOW she would know that's the exact message I got! She said it so nonchalantly too, as if him communicating to her was natural. It gave me goosebumps!

So spirits definitely communicate and can hang around. No doubt about it!



answers from Dallas on

I totally believe it! When my daughter was 3, she stood at the bottom of our stairs and was looking up at the top, holding her blanket over her face (like playing peek-a-boo) and giggling. She was so cute, so I asked her what she was laughing at. She pointed to the top of the stairs and said, "him!" Of course, it freaked me out just a little, but she was obviously having fun, so I believe it was a loved one just watching over us.


answers from Modesto on

I think as long as you arent conjuring them yourself (the bible says not to do it) it must be awesome to be contacted on occasion.



answers from San Diego on

Cool story. It seems that your DD wasn't scared at all and even called you to see her. If Grandma TeTe was a great lady it's nice to know she's still around.



answers from Cleveland on

very very possible its said that little kids are able to comunicate with the dead a lot more common then adults.



answers from Reading on

i have goosebumps reading that!!
yes believe her



answers from Rochester on

I believe whole heartily that our kids can see and hear things that we may not. They are closer to and fresher from heaven then we are. Plus they have never been told not to believe. How many times where you told "there is no such thing" and eventually you believed the person telling you that. At first anyway kids are not told that what they see and hear is not true so they are more likely to share it.

My older son came to me when he was 4 years old and told me that there was a man standing in his bedroom. Our bedrooms are joined by a doorway and had there been anyone in the house standing in his bedroom in the wee hours of the morning I would have known! The dogs would have freaked out! I shrugged it off the first time. The next day my son says he saw that man again. This time he was standing in the kitchen when my son got up before us and went out there. It scared him and he ran back to his room. I asked him to describe to me what the man looked like. He described my husband's uncle to the t. My son never met my husband's uncle who passed away right before my husband and I started dating. The house we live in and the farm we run was his farm and my husband inherited when he passed. I took out a picture of his uncle and showed it to my son. A picture that I had never shown my son. He became very excited and yelling about how that was the man he saw. I explained to my son that this was my husband's uncle. He used to own this farm. When he lived in this house he slept in the same bedroom that my son slept in. It was even the same bed. I explained to him that my husband's uncle was just here to make sure that everyone is safe and happy. He is just checking us out since we are new and he didn't know us when he passed away. I told my son that the next time he saw this man that he should call him by name, thank him for watching over us, tell him everything is ok but it scares you when you can see him so please stop showing yourself to me. Later that afternoon I saw him too. He passed through the kitchen and I caught sight of him out of the corner of my eye. I thought it was my father inlaw and I couldn't figure out how he had gotten into the house and back out the front door with out me hearing a peep. When I stepped outside to ask what I thought was my father inlaw what he was doing in the house I noticed that his car was not in the yard. He was not there. I was alone with my son. Late that night my husband woke me up insisting that there was a man sitting in the recliner in the living room. I looked at saw nothing. But he kept insisting that he saw some one in his uncle's chair. I told him it was just his uncle and that both my son and I had seen him earlier in the day. It was meant to be calming but it just totally freaked him out. The next morning my son came to me and said he saw the man in his bedroom again. He told him all the things I told him to say and he vanished. I sat down in the living room and had a little "talk" with my husband's uncle. I felt dumb because no one was around and I kinda felt like I was talking to air. I said the same things I told my son to tell him. I told him that we loved that he was here keeping an eye on us and making sure that we were safe. But we can't have him actually showing himself because it just flat out scares us to death. None of us have seen him since.

I know that something is still here. I don't know for sure if it is his uncle or not. Something gets a kick out of throwing stuff around my house. I tend to just tell it to knock it off and it stops. My 8 month old son will occasionally smile and wave at something I can not see. I believe no matter how many times people try to say it is not real. Maybe you can ask your daughter to ask her a few questions next time Grandma comes to visit. Things that she would know but your daughter could not possibly know. Kinda like calling her Spencer's mom. If that doesn't convince you that she is visiting then I don't know what will. LOL



answers from Washington DC on

My sister's child had an experience too. I think that some children, before the real world sets in, are more tuned into spirituals.

There have been reports of children seeing angels and "ghosts" if you will. I believe it, even though it has never happened to me.

I do believe Grandma TeTe is just watching over your family.



answers from Omaha on

I'm honestly not into the whole "medium" thing or psychic's; however, I do believe that our spiritual world is much more connected to us than we know. I believe that children can be connected because they are so innocent and not boggled down by sin or our worldly life.
I'm a nurse and it's not uncommon at all for people as they are nearing their death to see loved ones. Certainly, medically speaking, the docs say they are hallicinating or are delusional, but it happens so often, that I, along with a lot of other nurses, believe this is part of the dying process for many. What a beautiful thing to be welcomed into the next life by those who we love!
It is so common for children to say things that just don't add up! We often say to ourselves "how did they know that? or why did he say that?" I believe that is a gift children have and it's a reminder that we should never take our faith for granted.
I do not believe in seeking out information from psychic's, etc...because my faith teaches me to call on my Lord. Do I believe there are people out there who are intuitive and connected in a spiritual way, yes. But, I think it's a dangerous path to follow!
Please be careful and look at what happened with your daughter as a gift! A gift from a soul who's passed on.



answers from Los Angeles on

I think she probably saw her! There isnt any reason for a child that age to make that up. My aunt was around the same age when she had a similar experience in her own home. She saw her dead grandmother sitting on a chair and she started telling her mother 'Grandma's sitting there and she keeps telling me, (motions with her finger as if to come here)' Creepy yes, but I think sometimes souls are not rested. Dont be afraid.



answers from Las Vegas on

I think your DD may have seen Grandma TeTe. I do believe that people who cross over can come to visit us on this plane. It is not unusual for children -- because they are still very innocent and open to new experiences -- to be able to pick up on these things. What a beautiful gift that your daughter has.

To help you to learn more about these kinds of experiences, I'd suggest that you read Lisa William's autobiography. It explains a whole lot and may give you insight on some the issues your daughter may have to deal with should she also be able to see other people who have crossed over, not just Grandma TeTe.

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