You've had lots of good input regarding each one of these supplements.
I just want to add that Vitamin D has been great for me. I actually feel much more positive about the world since I began taking it. It may be a coincidence, but I don't think so. It is directly connected to when I started taking it.
At this point in life at 49, I take a handful of vitamins. I feel like an old lady. It honestly feels stupid when I look at all of it, but I also believe in them all--vit D, Women's One-A-Day, glucosamine and chondroitin, fish oil, and a medication for depression.
I'm generally in good health, but some of these supplements are precautionary. I have arthritis and joint issues, I've been tested for low vit D levels, and have had some gyn issues and depression issues. Truth be told, I really am healthy, though. I want to stay that way.
It's obviously your decision. But my doctor noted that you should be taking name-brand vitamins. She said that studies show that the vitamin industry is not regulated like medications and they don't always have everything they say they have in them. She said you are more likely to actually be taking the vitamin levels you need when sticking to something like Women's One-A-Day or other name-brand items.
Just thought I'd share this food for thought.