First of all, stay out of the drama! Both of these people are your parents. This was their marriage. If you get dragged into this, you are going to feel a responsibility for one or the other. It gets uglier than this.
Just a thought, If it was reversed would you be saying the same thing about your mom not working and now only making $1400 a month and needing someone to pay her attorney fees? Needing some sort of retirement?
There are a lot of moms that stayed home and took care of kids and refused to get jobs and expect their husbands to give them half of everything during a divorce.. Even when the husband wanted and needed his wife to get a job.
I am in no way taking sides, I am just letting you see this from the other side. The problem here is the basic.. there just is not much money to work with. It is what it is. So, your mom needs to make sure her attorney is protecting her interests, but also going to satisfy the court.
She needs to forget about keeping it all for herself, because that is not going to happen. She needs to make an offer to your dad and get this over with because the more they bicker over this, the more it is actually costing them in attorney fees.
Divorce is terrible and pulls families apart. There is your moms version, your dads version and each child's version and the truth is all swirled in there somewhere. I know this because my parents started their divorce when I was 10, it was not settled until I was 13. I am now 50 and still cringe remembering the awful feelings I had and the horrible things my parents said about each other. It took years to be able to go back to just having some peace with each of them.