I think that you should talk to her and the friends and say just what you wrote up above in your question. You may want to consider that if he wrote all you guys off that he may be on a fact finding mission, to dig dirt up on her so he can take information to court. I would be suspicious of anyone who was a fairweather friend. And often times in Divorce, most people take sides. It is just the way it is. Most people have had a friendship with one of the people first and generally stick with that primary person, or the lines are cut along gender. If he is really being a jerk about the divorce then he may not be a friend that you would want to keep around anyway. Unfortuanately, I don't think that he is being honest. I would tell him that although you like him you don't like his behavior and that he may need to seek support somewhere else as you loyalty lies with the wife(er ex). You can only be so loyal to two people. And unfortunately it isn't him. Or you hubby may want to be his friend, but not the wife's. It is something the each person will have to reflect on and decide. But I would definately talk to the "gang" and be honest about where you fall in all this. And also talk to your freind and calrify your stance, and degree of support you are giving her. I am sure she is feeling insecure and scared at now losing friends.
Good luck,