I have the opposite problem....one who can be to invovled at times, she means well and does it with love but it can be frustrating at times.
I guess as one mom said, they are who they are, you can't change that, the only advice I would have is accept them for who they are.
When you go to thier house don't ask what food to bring just bring some that all of you can enjoy, plan things so that when you are at thier house and they have somewhere to be your family can go and entertain themselves, don't sit around waiting for them, look at it as a hotel that is ran by family, where you are still responsible for activities, but get to go "home" at night.
Same for when they are visiting you, don't cater to them, Go about your lives like you do on a daily bases, but invite them to join you in whatever it is you have planned, they don't want to go fine they can stay at the house.
More importantly don't take it personally, some people just aren't the granparenty type of people. Look into the adopt a granparent programs out there, there are seniors who would love to fill the void you are feeling, and think of the wonderful thing you would be doing for them, they would appriciate what your family has to offer!