This is only my opinion, and I can look at it both ways. BUT, as a single mother myself, I have to choose my battles, and feeding time isn't one of those times. There are things my son won't eat- ie vegetables, and people say I need to force him to do so, I make him try one of everything, but that is it. I dont' believe in making meal time a stressor in my life. If he is eating for you, and things that are healthy, I wouldn't push it. Maybe try a spoonful- or if he is two- tell him 2 bites, then give him the stuff he will eat. Life is too short to stress over food! As for the speech therapist, I am sure she is only suggesting what her job brain is telling her to do, and yes, a speech therapis does preform swallowing therapy, which has to do with the feeding issues- this is normal, so she is only doing her job. But you still have to do what is right with you. ( I let my son sit in the front seat with an air bag, even though the police suggest that it's a bad idea) So sue me!