Dirty Shower

Updated on September 15, 2009
T.G. asks from El Paso, TX
29 answers

Hi Moms~

I have a fiberglass shower I REALLY hard water and the two just don't mix. I can not keep my shower clean. In just a couple of days I have the gross calcium and lime stains. I can scrub for an hour and it never looks great. I looked for older posts on here and there is a mom who had the same problem. Everyone recommended Tilex Mold and Mildew. Will this work on fiberglass? Any other suggestions to keep my shower clean?

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answers from San Antonio on

Try Barkeeps Friend. You can find it at walmart, bed bath and beyond, ect-but I would stick w/walmart they are the cheapest. You might also want to try a magic eraser, they work pretty well too. The only thing is w/o a water softner you will always have to do a ton of scrubing, unless you wipe down the shower after every use.

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answers from Houston on

I've got the same problem. I use Lime-a-way to clean it with. And my neighbor said to wax it with car wax to keep it from getting so dirty so fast. Just don't wax the floor or it will be too slippery.

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answers from Austin on

Vinegar in a spray bottle. I have a fiberglass shower, too. Spray on the vinegar, walk away for 10 - 15 min, come back and scrub with a scrub pad, rinse. It might take a couple times to remove the build up, but it does work. Works well on porcelain sinks and granite countertops, too. You know those stains around the drain in the sink? Soak overnight with vinegar and rinse - it's cheap magic! You can also spray the shower after you use it with vinegar, just like those expensive shower products they sell in the store, to prevent build up. good luck!

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answers from College Station on

Hi T., sorry about the hard job.. I use to clean houses for 8 years and we ran into this from time to time.. you can use vinegar, tilex, or limeaway but please be careful if you use CLR it will etch... after you get it clean you can put car wax on the shower and it will be easier to clean and not so much build up on it.. also switch out bar soap to soft soap that will help too... hope this helps.. I know as I also have a glass shower.. Good luck and hope your cleaning days are less!!!! S.
ps... use the Mr. Clean eraser that will help a great deal..as with any cleaner read and open a window

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answers from San Antonio on

This will sound weird, but I use boat polish on my shower. You can get it at a marine supply store, or any place they sell boats! It keeps the water spots off for a long time. One word of caution, though - the fumes are VERY strong. Open your windows before you use it!
Good luck!

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answers from Houston on

Try white vinegar...but get the 9% acidity that you can buy with the pickling and canning supplies.

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answers from San Antonio on

Hi T.,

CLR will do it....just be sure u wear gloves and open windows.

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answers from Houston on

I agree with Janis W, and many of the others we have that problem at our home also. But at our office building we had the same problem with the toilets, then we purchased a water softner and it is so wonderful, no more cleaning problem its almost self cleaning now. We are going to purchase a water softener now for our home then get new bathroom fixtures.
We purchased ours as recommended by a friend from: AquaTex in Alvin, Tx 1-800-833-8004 they are self cleaning. They cost more than what you can get others but the self cleaning is what we wanted. They come out and give free estimates.
But no matter what any water softner will work, it is well worth it.

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answers from Austin on

My mother-in-law just gave me this tip. It works great on my glass shower- not sure if the same results will come on fiberglass, but it's worth a try. Use liquid dishwasher soap- the cheapest one you can find. Get a big sponge and put it on there and wipe down the walls. It takes the hard water build-up right off.

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answers from San Antonio on

It sounds like you don't have a water softener. They are costly at first, but when your water is hard, they are a must to keep showers and appliances clean. I also use good old vinegar. It works great and you don't have to worry about harsh chemicals. Good luck.

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answers from Houston on

I have a fiberglass shower AND it's textured you want to talk about a night mare!! We have super hard water because we have a well. I can't use a lot of the harsh chemical products like Tilex. I've found that Kaboom works the best. CLR also works really great on hard water deposits and rust stains, and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works great on soap scum. Makes my glass doors shine like new.

I also purchased a rotating scrubbing brush with removable heads in various sizes, these work great and save my elbows and wrists from the harsh scrubbing!!

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answers from Victoria on

i agree with others we use vinegar and a majic eracer by mr.clean. it works for us. i clean most of our house with vinegar. the smell goes away after it dries.

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answers from Houston on

Once you get your shower clean, dry it out along with the chrome faucet and shower head everytime you use it. You will not have to clean so often.

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answers from San Antonio on

I sent in this same question earlier. LimeAway with a good scrubber has worked. I've heard of putting wax on afterward. I bought it, but haven't used it yet. I know for sure wiping down after the last bath helps a lot. My problem now is remembering to do this a little each week so that I don't have to scrub so hard later.

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answers from Austin on

I have my Tilex Mold and Mildew bottle right here (it is one of my all time favorite products).

It says will work on non porous surfaces...
Glazed ceramic tile, shower doors, plastic, chrome, fiberglass, glazed porcelain, and synthetic marble.

If this is the first time you will be using it, you should purchase 2 bottles. Open a window!~ It is very strong.. Spray it very liberally starting from the top areas and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Wipe and then rinse with water. Keep the bathroom door closed.

Then work move to the middle areas. Spray, leave for 5 minutes, come back and wipe. Then move to the bottom portion.... You can go back and spot clean the areas that did not get totally clean..

From then on you can just do this 2 or 3 times a week to keep it clean.. This is what we do out at the lake house.. It also has terrible hard water.. I thought we would need to replace our bathtub until I purchased this product about 12 years ago.. It was the only thing that had ever worked on our tub!

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answers from College Station on

Hi T.,

Something we used growing up, we lived on a farm with well water so I can relate to hard water.

You have to wear a mask and rubber gloves and open a window or two, but it works.

Warm up a cup of vinegar and you can either put it in a spray bottle and spray it on there and let it sit or you can warm it up in a bowl and use a sponge and just clean it off that way. It smells, but it works!

If you don't want to use that there is at the dollar store a product called the "works" its for toliet bowls but it works on hard stuff, no scrubbing involved. Pour, sit for a few mins. rinse.

Good luck,

1 mom found this helpful


answers from San Antonio on

Hi T.,

I feel your pain! Salt water makes me break out in hives so we had to get rid of our water softener. Dishes coming out of the diswasher look terrible!

But I'm shocked to see no more mention of the best solution out there: Vinegar. Just dump some on (spray bottle) and leave it for a minute, then wipe it down with a sponge and it will be all gone. We rinse our glasses with vinegar, too, to clear them up.

Vinegar reacts with calcium and magnesium (the elements making water hard -- also elements distinctly lacking from the Standard American Diet, so think twice before softening your water -- and acts as an emulsifier to lift them right away.

It's also cheap and safe.

Good luck.



answers from Waco on

Hi T.
there is a product I now of that will cure this issue but you will have to PM me for the site.

Have you tried using vineger full strength>



answers from Austin on

I currently use a product called basic g from shaklee and I love it i am getting ready to try another product from shaklee to see which work the best I'll let you know the out come. but i really like the Basic G I never tried vinegar but we also have a water softner I have a friend who sells them if you want to call him let me know I will give you the number and it's GE softner system

If you want to try the Shaklee products let me know also

Best wishes



answers from Austin on

Once you get it clean, stop using soap and use shower gel instead. That will prevent any soap scum. It takes a little bit of an adjustment but it's worth not having to scrub the shower, in my opinion.



answers from Houston on

Once you are able to find something to clean it, after EVERY shower squigy the walls to get all the water off! That will help tons if not fix the problem.



answers from San Antonio on

try vinegar and baking soda mixture in warm water and apply with a sponge.



answers from Odessa on

Shower Clean by Armor Hammer. It is down the cleaning isle in the stores. It works GREAT!



answers from Houston on

Have you tried CLR? It works wonders for us. Also there's Awesome which is a great cleaner as well. You can get Awesome at the Dollar general or 99cents store for about $.99cents to a couple of dollars depending on where you get it. I usually pay $1.00. Good luck.



answers from Houston on

Dow scrubbing bubbles always works for me. If you have shower doors you will be surprised to find that lemon oil will make them shine. Also, I heard that Downey fabric softener liquid will clean scum from soap and hard water.



answers from Austin on

To help disovle the hard water use the fabric softener sheet AFTER you have dryer your clothes. It helps to soften the water and will make it easier to clean.



answers from Houston on

We also have a fiber glass shower, to get rid of hte hard water spots, it's called Kaboom, and you can get it at Wal-Mart and Target. It works wonders.



answers from Houston on

I don't have any great suggestions to get the hard water and stains off but once you do I have a suggestion that may keep it from building up as fast. I have a fiber glass shower with glass doors. I have a shower head that has a hose. The rule is that every time we finish our showers we rinse the walls and doors then use the squeegee. I rarely have to do any scrubbing and I feel that it has a lot to do with not letting the hard water dry on the surface. I hope this helps!



answers from San Antonio on

Use Dow spray "Scrubbing Bubbles" tub and tile cleaner in a can. Home Depot has it for about $4.37 and it is enough to clean about 4 tubs. With it, use a stainless steel Kettle Cleaner (Stanley Products makes a great one that doesn't scratch the surface or rust). Don't use cheap substitutes or Steel Wool. They will ruin the surface. If you have the right stuff, it makes it so easy. Don't ever use an abrasive cleaner like Comet. It will grind off the protective surface and will never be the same. I taught this to a "Professional Commercial Cleaning Person" and he raved on how great it worked.

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