I have the same problem with my 3 yr old son, so reading the responses that other women gave you was helpful to me. I find that my son eats more at lunch time, which is fine with me. My husband is hispanic, and the 5 years I lived abroad with him, I never felt healthier than when I had lunch as my big meal. So I figure, as long as he eats one good meal, he's fine. If he were hungry, he'd eat.
But, he is VERY stubborn about what he eats. He eats NO veggies and has quite a sweet tooth. So, I have to use the threat of no desert to get him to eat sometimes. I really have to stick to my guns when I say that if he doesn't eat some of what I made him, then he won't have anything else all night. It's hard as a mom to do that, but otherwise he'll keep playing the game that he's gotten pretty good at. He used to eat more of the foods that we ate, but lately wants only certain things (like mac n cheese and PB & J) Hopefully it's just as phase, but, at the same time, I'm a 4th grade teacher, so I see daily the effects of poor diet and I don't want to create that kind of diet for my son (don't ask me how skittles ever became considered a healthy snack... but parents send them right along side the cupcakes, chips, and orange soda). So anyway, I guess we just have to keep being creative and persistent. Goodluck!!