Hi E., I don't have much advice for you, but know that I feel your pain! My son just turned 9 months and has been sleeping in our bed since he was about 7 1/2 months due to some changes in his sleep habits. He used to sleep in his crib through the night from 4 to 6 months with maybe one waking at around 3 or 4am. He'd go back to sleep and wake up around 6 or 6:30p. This was great. Now, since the teething got real bad at around the 7 1/2 month mark, he was up every hour or so after I put him down. I just got so exhausted getting up and going to his room, sitting in the rocker and nursing him back down that after his 2nd or 3rd waking of the night, now I just bring him into bed with me for the rest of the night. In this time since his sleep changed (about 2 months), he has cut 5 teeth, started crawling and has been pulling up, standing and now cruising along the furniture.
I refuse to CIO - we tried it once and it was just heart-wrenching. Not to mention the fact that any change in circumstances (for us it was going on vacation) will make you have to start the process over from the beginning, which is really tough.
It's great that your DD takes 2 good naps during the day. My son still kind of sucks at napping. And I hate to say it, but I think this is normal at this age. Is she cutting any teeth or going through anything developmentally (pulling up, crawling, etc.), because that can also keep them up at night.
Are you co-sleeping or does your daughter sleep in a crib in your room? If you are co-sleeping, you should try reading the No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley. She has some good tips for trying to get co-sleeping babies to get back to sleep and reducing night wakings. None of them have worked for us yet, but we're trying.
Good luck!