Hi T.,
YES, I absolutely DID experience it! I was not diabetic even thought my OB tested me. I agree that you aren't getting enough nutrition, which can be different from calories.
If you are throwing up you are probably not getting enough from your prenatal vitamins. You may want to switch to a different one. I have a superior one I can recommend or you could talk to your doctor about a liquid one. You need one that will not only absorb, but absorb quickly before you can throw it up. If the nutrition is not there for the baby, the baby will leach everything from your system!
The old wive's tale is the sicker you are, the healthier the baby is. Your little one may just be literally "sucking the life (nutrition) out of you"! It was true of my first pregnancy as I was nauseous from conception to birth and she was a strong one. Now that doesn't mean that it's that way every time but it was in my case. And I was fortunate that I learned from my first one so it didn't happen again...
Congratulations and God bless you. Let me know if I can help further.