Dg Rental

Updated on May 18, 2009
M.J. asks from Downers Grove, IL
5 answers

Hi Moms. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a rental in dg maybe around 1200ish. I have 1 child and one small dog. I'm in the process of getting divorced and just want a safe place for me and my child. Thank you.

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answers from Chicago on

Did you find anything yet?

You can call a friend of mine who has rental properties.

His name is Jim Spiech ###-###-####

Good Luck~!!



answers from Chicago on

Homes are listed for rent in the MLS just as homes for sale are. You can contact a realtor and ask them to search for rental properties.



answers from Chicago on

Hey there. Can it be close to DG? I know the two bedrooms off of Florence and 63rd street are going for about $800 to $900. They are very spacious and I would recommend them. It is technically Westmont but I believe about 2 blocks over is considered DG. Good luck. I just went through what you are going through so if you need to talk..please contact me privately. Good luck.



answers from Chicago on

I don't know of a particular house or apartment, but I do know a great management company that will help you out. They have several properties in Downers, Darien, Westmont. It's a family owned business and they are family oriented people. My fiance used to work there and we are still close with the whole family. The website is http://www.realtproperties.com. If you call either ask for Tony or Todd Zangler and let them know that A. Anderson sent you.



answers from Chicago on

You can look in the local paper in the rental section. You will find apartments and houses for rent. If you dont get the DG papers, go to a 7 eleven or drug store in DG and they have them there. Or you can look on the internet. Just google DG rentals or DG newspapers and you can look online without buying the paper. Good luck. Im sure you will find something in that price range.

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