I was the same way after I had my baby girl in August of 2005. My husband is a wonderful man, he always helped out with her, getting up in the middle of the night a few times so I could rest, cleaning the house, doing laundry. For some reason I just couldn't handle being a new mom and all that went with it. I cried all the time and would snap at my husband.
I went to go see a doctor, she prescribed Paxil. Honestly, it really didn't help but I took it and I think I just ended up battling it on my own, seeing my friends more and getting out of the house more helped extremely. Plus, I got a part time job to get me back into the world again. I'm going to say this... please do NOT ever take Paxil. I was on it for 9 months and finally decided they weren't helping so there was no need to take them anymore. Getting off that pill was the hardest thing I ever had to do, the physical withdrawls were horrible. I would get vertigo, dizzy, headaches, nausea and it was hard for me to even focus at times. I just finally had to wean myself off it gradually and it took me 2 months to get off that pill. Never again will I take those again. I did research on it and apparently it is one of the hardest drugs to get off of cuz of the withdrawl sypmtoms.
Best of luck to you, I hope you get through this. I hear St. Johns wort is great too, I wish I would've known about it too back then!