Sometimes :).
I think they don't because other people may need that advice. But what was good 5 years ago will not be the same now. So I think there should some kind of limit on how long they stay.
Anyone else wish that eventually the questions you asked would disappear (like after a year or so) or that you had the option of deleting them if they are no longer an issue?
Sometimes :).
I think they don't because other people may need that advice. But what was good 5 years ago will not be the same now. So I think there should some kind of limit on how long they stay.
Nah, even if I put something out there that was stupid I have no problem with people reading it and knowing I am human, warts and all.
Besides if you can't look back on them neither can I and sometimes that lasting memory of my idiocy is enough to keep me from doing it again...sometimes. :)
yes, yes, yes :) The mamapedia search does not work that well. I wish they would put the most recent question on top. Every time I search I get questions asked from 2005 first and then A. assortment of dates after that.
Nope. I'm all for letting posting history stand.
No. Why would I want to do that? I'm not embarrassed by the questions I have asked.
While the MMP search engine sucks - I have been able to get information I needed from questions asked 4 years ago. So, no. I wouldn't want questions to fall off the board after a certain time frame.
I like to look back at the questions... sometimes they are helpful with another situation I might be having.
Nope. My opinion is that once you put it out into the cybersphere, it never goes away. So don't put anything out there that you might want to take back.
No, because I don't trust any automatic flushing. Even if I might want to go back and re-read, I still encourage others to delete if it'll make them feel better.
Well, you're smart to be vigilant about your privacy.
Crazies are everywhere, and that includes here.
You can go back and change your questions or answers by deleting out your type. Then click "save changes."
It's the best they've got here right now.