It's not your job to clean up after other people, but I understand the necessity. I think you should talk to your husband, without nagging, to see if maybe he could communicate with the family that there isn't very much space there, and to see if everyone can find some way to better organize things there... including who gets what chores, and what the consequences will be for not doing them.
I also recommend going less. Not stopping going, but seeing if these family vacations can be just a little less frequent. I'd bring it up like this, "Honey, I know that your family is important, and I love them too, but if we could maybe spend an occasional weekend where we'd usually go together as our little family, I'd really appreciate it. You and the kids mean so much to me, and it's really important to me to get some extra time with you without the stresses of everyday life, or more family. Just us, please?"