Oh honey, hang in there! My daughter had colic and I thought I was going to lose my mind. She cried for hours on end and it seemed like there was no way to stop it. We got a little relief from the "Happiest Baby on the Block" methods and from the "healthy sleep habits, happy child" books, but what really helped was time and going to the doctor for prescription gas drops and acid reflux medicine. We finally realized that she was having a really hard time, even though she was breast-fed, she was still having a lot of reflux and gas problems. The prescription gas drops helped a lot and so did the acid reflux medicine they gave us.
Things really started calming down when she got to be about 4 months old. She was pretty much completely over it by then.
My best advice would be to find someone you trust, a family member, friend, caregiver, to get you some time away from the baby, even if it is just for a few hours, so that you can take a break from the crying for a while and go see a movie or go shopping or do something, just for yourself. I went and had a massage once during a particularly hard week. We couldn't afford it, but it was the best 60 minutes of my life! You will get through this, and then it will seem like a really short period that you barely remember. But for now, I know it seems like it is never going to end. Trust me, it DOES get better. You should definately talk to your doctor, though. They may be able to help.